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Send V2 Metrics Definitions

Key Value Prop

Quickly and privately transfer large files from any device to any device.

Key Business Question to Answer

Is the value proposition of a large encrypted file transfer service enough to drive Firefox Account relationships for non-Firefox users.

Hypotheses to Test

Primary - In support of Relationships KPI

We believe that a privacy-respecting file transfer service can drive Firefox Accounts beyond the Firefox Browser.

We will know this to be true when we see 250k Firefox Account creations from non-Firefox contexts w/in six months of launch.

Secondary - In support of Revenue KPI

We believe that a privacy respecting service accessible beyond the reach of Firefox will provide a valuable platform to research, communicate with, and market to conscious choosers we have traditionally found hard to reach.

We will know this to be true when we can conduct six research tasks (surveys, A/B tests, fake doors, etc) in support of premium services KPIs in the first six months after launch.

Overview of Key Measures

  • Number of people using the service to send and receive files
    • Why: measure of service size. Important for understanding addressable market size
  • Percent of users who have or create an FxAccount via Send
    • Why: representation of % of any service users who might be amenable to an upsell
  • % of downloaders who convert into uploaders
    • Why: represents a measure of our key growth-loop potential
  • Count of uploads and size
    • Why: Represents cost of service on a running basis

Key Funnels

  • App Open or Visit --- DESIRED OUTCOME ---> Successful Upload
  • Download UI Visit --- DESIRED OUTCOME ---> Successful Download
  • FxA UI Engagement --- DESIRED OUTCOME ---> Authenticate
  • STRETCH App Open or Visit --- DESIRED OUTCOME ---> Successful Download

Complete Schema

Please see, See Amplitude HTTP API( for HTTP API reference.

Event Structure

  • app_version string ∙ app version Android 1.5 or Web 1.2.5
  • country string ∙ Can be captured using FxA Geo Library
  • device_id string ∙ required, should be a unique hash
  • event_properties dictionarysee list below
  • event_type stringsee list below
  • insert_id string ∙ unique event id used by amplitude to dedupe events
  • language string ∙ App language
  • os_name stringMac OS X, iOS, Windows, etc.
  • os_version string10.01, 400, etc
  • region string ∙ Can be captured using FxA Geo Library
  • session_id long ∙ start time in ms since epoch (this should only be changed at the start of a session, but sent with each ping), set to -1 if event is out of session, such as expiration
  • time long ∙ The timestamp of the event in milliseconds since epoch
  • user_id string ∙ required unless device ID is present, should be a double hash of FxA email
  • user_properties dictionarysee list below. All user properties can be passed with all events. Amplitude will automatically drop user properties that do not change

User Properties

  • Has account boolean ∙ whether the user is account active
  • First action string ∙ did this user upload or download first
  • Total uploads num ∙ running sum of bundles uploaded
  • Total upload size float ∙ running sum of total MB uploaded
  • Total downloads num ∙ running count of bundles downloaded
  • Total download size float ∙ running sum of total MB downloaded
  • Total clients num ∙ running tally of total clients sharing a UID
  • Current uploads int ∙ count of current unexpired files
  • User agent Browser string ∙ browser or if app App derived from UA string
  • User Agent version string ∙ browser version or if app App Version derived from UA string
  • UTM campaign string ∙ referrer
  • UTM content string ∙ referrer
  • UTM medium string ∙ referrer
  • UTM source string ∙ referrer
  • UTM term string ∙ referrer
  • Experiments array of strings ∙ set of experiments the user is in

Event Properties

  1. Bundle id string ∙ Guid for bundle
  2. Bundle creation timestamp long ∙ The timestamp of bundle creation in milliseconds since epoch
  3. Number of files int ∙ Number of files in bundle
  4. Size of files float ∙ Size of files in MB
  5. Transfer rate float ∙ rate of transfter in bytes per second
  6. Total downloads int ∙ number of downloads set
  7. Total duration string ∙ Time for bundle expiry, one of 5 minutes one hour etc
  8. Password added boolean ∙ Did the user add a password to the bundle
  9. Remaining downloads int ∙ number of remaining downloads for a file
  10. Remaining time long ∙ time until a bundle expires
  11. Reason transfer stopped string ∙ One of completed, errored or canceled
  12. FxA prompt trigger string ∙ One of time options, count options, bundle size, shoulder button
  13. Location of URL copy string ∙ Where did the user copy the share url success-screen or upload-list
  14. Site exit path string ∙ Name of external link followed ... download-firefox, twitter, github, cookies, terms, privacy, about, legal, mozilla
  15. Expiry reason string ∙ one of time limit hit, download limit hit, user deleted
  16. Error code String ∙ Error code if added

Event Types

The following list is of required event_type definitions. If adding new event types please use the syntax Group - verb subject modifier

Event Event Properties Description
{ Uploader, Downloader, Unsupported } - visit none When a user visits the site, or opens the app, grouped by interface at open. Note, a number of API properties and User Properties should be set with this event
{ Uploader, Downloader, Unsupported } - exit none When a user exits the site via click event on a link that directs to another domain
Uploader - start bundle upload 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 16 (if applicable) When a user begins to upload a bundle for the site
Uploader - stop bundle upload 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 16 (if applicable) When a user stops an upload or an upload stops for any reason
Uploader - delete bundle 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 When a user deletes their bundle
Uploader - copy bundle url 1, 13 When a user copies the url of a bundle they create
Uploader - dismiss copy bundle dialog 1 When a user dismisses the bundle copy dialog
{ Uploader, Downloader } - start bundle download 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 16 (if applicable) When a user begins to download a bundle. Remaining downloads should be decremented after event.
{ Uploader, Downloader } - stop bundle download 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 16 (if applicable) When a a download ends for any reason
Downloader - click try send cta 1 When a downloader clicks the prompt to try Firefox Send
Downloader - unlock bundle success 1 When a downloader successfully unlocks a file
Downloader - unlock bundle failure 1 When a downloader fails to unlock a file (only send once per session)
Uploader - trigger signup cta 12 When an uploader triggers the CTA via change to expiry options
Signup - interact with email 12 when a user inputs anything into the email submission form
Signup - cancel signup 12 When a user opts out of signing up
Signup - submit signup 12 When a user submits a sign up to fxa and we begin OAuth dance
Server - expire bundle 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15 when the server expires a bundle for any reason
Error 16 Fallback event for any errors that occur. Use the error code event property to specify an error type