Pontoon: Update Sorbian, Upper (hsb) localization of Test Pilot: Firefox Send

Localization authors:
- Michael Wolf <milupo@sorbzilla.de>
This commit is contained in:
Michael Wolf 2018-02-19 21:51:15 +00:00 committed by Mozilla Pontoon
parent a0d5a3dd07
commit 78459d759c
1 changed files with 18 additions and 16 deletions

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
# Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
title = Firefox Send
siteSubtitle = webeksperiment
siteFeedback = Komentar
@ -43,29 +43,29 @@ copyUrlFormButton = Do mjezyskłada kopěrować
copiedUrl = Kopěrowany!
deleteFileButton = Dataju zhašeć
sendAnotherFileLink = Druhu dataju pósłać
// Alternative text used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
# Alternative text used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
downloadAltText = Sćahnyć
downloadsFileList = Sćehnjenja
// Used as header in a column indicating the amount of time left before a
// download link expires (e.g. "10h 5m")
# Used as header in a column indicating the amount of time left before a
# download link expires (e.g. "10h 5m")
timeFileList = Čas
// Used as header in a column indicating the number of times a file has been
// downloaded
# Used as header in a column indicating the number of times a file has been
# downloaded
downloadFileName = { $filename } sćahnyć
downloadFileSize = ({ $size })
unlockInputLabel = Hesło zapodać
unlockInputPlaceholder = Hesło
unlockButtonLabel = Wotewrěć
downloadFileTitle = Zaklučowanu dataju sćahnyć
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
# Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
downloadMessage = Waš přećel wam dataju z Firefox Send sćele, słužba, kotraž wam zmóžnja, dataje přez wěsty, priwatny a zaklučowany wotkaz dźělić, kotryž awtomatisce spadnje, zo njebychu waše daty na přeco online wostawali.
// Text and title used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
# Text and title used on the download link/button (indicates an action).
downloadButtonLabel = Sćahnyć
downloadNotification = Waše sćehnjenje je dokónčene.
downloadFinish = Sćehnjenje dokónčene
// This message is displayed when uploading or downloading a file, e.g. "(1,3 MB of 10 MB)".
# This message is displayed when uploading or downloading a file, e.g. "(1,3 MB of 10 MB)".
fileSizeProgress = ({ $partialSize } z { $totalSize })
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
# Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
sendYourFilesLink = Firefox Send wupruwować
downloadingPageProgress = { $filename } ({ $size }) so sćahuje
downloadingPageMessage = Prošu wostajće tutón rajtark wočinjeny, mjeztym zo wašu dataju sćahujemy a dešifrujemy.
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ fileTooBig = Tuta dataja je přewulka za nahraće. Měła mjeńša hač { $size
linkExpiredAlt = Wotkaz je spadnjeny
expiredPageHeader = Tutón wotkaz je spadnjeny abo njeje ženje eksistował!
notSupportedHeader = Waš wobhladowak so njepodpěruje.
// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
# Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
notSupportedDetail = Bohužel tutón wobhladowak webtechnologiju njepodpěruje, na kotrejž Firefox Send bazuje. Dyrbiće druhi wobhladowak wužiwać. My Firefox doporučemy!
notSupportedLink = Čehodla so mój wobhladowak njepodpěruje?
notSupportedOutdatedDetail = Bohužel tuta wersija Firefox webtechnologiju njepodpěruje, na kotrejž Firefox Send bazuje. Dyrbiće swój wobhladowak aktualizować.
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ updateFirefox = Firefox aktualizować
downloadFirefoxButtonSub = Darmotne sćehnjenje
uploadedFile = Dataja
copyFileList = URL kopěrować
// expiryFileList is used as a column header
# expiryFileList is used as a column header
expiryFileList = Spadnje za
deleteFileList = Zhašeć
nevermindButton = Wšojedne
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ deletePopupCancel = Přetorhnyć
deleteButtonHover = Zhašeć
copyUrlHover = URL kopěrować
footerLinkLegal = Prawniske
// Test Pilot is a proper name and should not be localized.
# Test Pilot is a proper name and should not be localized.
footerLinkAbout = Wo Test Pilot
footerLinkPrivacy = Priwatnosć
footerLinkTerms = Wuměnjenja
@ -107,13 +107,15 @@ requirePasswordCheckbox = Žadajće sej hesło za sćehnjenje tuteje dataje
addPasswordButton = Hesło přidać
changePasswordButton = Změnić
passwordTryAgain = Wopačne hesło. Prošu spytajće hišće raz.
// This label is followed by the password needed to download a file
# This label is followed by the password needed to download a file
passwordResult = Hesło: { $password }
reportIPInfringement = Zranjenje IP zdźělić
javascriptRequired = Firefox Send JavaScript trjeba
whyJavascript = Čehodla Firefox Send JavaScript trjeba?
enableJavascript = Prošu zmóžńće JavaScript a spytajće hišće raz.
// A short representation of a countdown timer containing the number of hours and minutes remaining as digits, example "13h 47m"
# A short representation of a countdown timer containing the number of hours and minutes remaining as digits, example "13h 47m"
expiresHoursMinutes = { $hours } hodź. { $minutes } mjeń.
// A short representation of a countdown timer containing the number of minutes remaining as digits, example "56m"
# A short representation of a countdown timer containing the number of minutes remaining as digits, example "56m"
expiresMinutes = { $minutes } mjeń.
# A short status message shown when a password is successfully set
passwordIsSet = Hesło je so nastajiło