tweak animation

This commit is contained in:
syuilo 2023-02-05 14:35:00 +09:00
parent 1139632f95
commit e67d7bc0ea
1 changed files with 13 additions and 21 deletions

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@ -107,19 +107,19 @@ export default defineComponent({
return () => h(
defaultStore.state.animation ? TransitionGroup : 'div',
class: {
[$style['date-separated-list']]: true,
[$style['date-separated-list-nogap']]: props.noGap,
[$style['reversed']]: props.reversed,
[$style['direction-down']]: props.direction === 'down',
[$style['direction-up']]: props.direction === 'up',
...(defaultStore.state.animation ? {
name: 'list',
tag: 'div',
} : {}),
class: {
[$style['date-separated-list']]: true,
[$style['date-separated-list-nogap']]: props.noGap,
[$style['reversed']]: props.reversed,
[$style['direction-down']]: props.direction === 'down',
[$style['direction-up']]: props.direction === 'up',
...(defaultStore.state.animation ? {
name: 'list',
tag: 'div',
} : {}),
{ default: renderChildren });
@ -139,18 +139,10 @@ export default defineComponent({
transition: none !important;
> .list-leave-active,
> .list-enter-active {
transition: transform 0.7s cubic-bezier(0.23, 1, 0.32, 1), opacity 0.7s cubic-bezier(0.23, 1, 0.32, 1);
> .list-leave-from,
> .list-leave-to,
> .list-leave-active {
transition: transform 0.7s cubic-bezier(0.23, 1, 0.32, 1), opacity 0.7s cubic-bezier(0.23, 1, 0.32, 1);
position: absolute !important;
> *:empty {
display: none;