use axum::extract::{Query, State}; use axum::http::StatusCode; use axum::response::IntoResponse; use axum::Json; use hyper::header; use magnetar_common::config::MagnetarConfig; use magnetar_common::util::{lenient_parse_acct_decode, FediverseTag}; use magnetar_core::web_model::acct::Acct; use magnetar_core::web_model::content_type::{ ContentActivityJson, ContentActivityStreams, ContentHtml, ContentJrdJson, }; use magnetar_core::web_model::rel::{RelOStatusSubscribe, RelSelf, RelWebFingerProfilePage}; use magnetar_model::CalckeyModel; use magnetar_webfinger::webfinger::{WebFinger, WebFingerRel, WebFingerSubject}; use serde::Deserialize; use tracing::error; use url::Url; #[derive(Deserialize)] pub struct WebFingerQuery { resource: WebFingerSubject, rel: Option>, } // TODO: We don't have this endpoint in Magnetar yet, but make sure it's not hardcoded when // we do const USER_AP_ENDPOINT: &str = "/users/"; // TODO: Filter by rel pub async fn handle_webfinger( Query(WebFingerQuery { resource, .. }): Query, State((config, ck)): State<(&'static MagnetarConfig, CalckeyModel)>, ) -> Result { let resource = match resource { acct @ WebFingerSubject::Acct(_) => acct, // Leniently re-add the acct WebFingerSubject::Url(url) if !url.starts_with("http:") && !url.starts_with("https:") => { WebFingerSubject::Acct(Acct::new(url.into())) } other => other, }; let user = match resource { WebFingerSubject::Acct(acct) => { let tag = lenient_parse_acct_decode(&acct).map_err(|e| { error!("Failed to parse tag: {e}"); StatusCode::UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY })?; ck.get_user_by_tag(, .as_ref() .filter(|host| host.to_string() !=, ) .await .map_err(|e| { error!("Data error: {e}"); StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR })? } WebFingerSubject::Url(url) => { let object_url = url.parse::().map_err(|e| { error!("URL parse error: {e}"); StatusCode::UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY })?; // FIXME: Jank let path = object_url.path().strip_prefix(USER_AP_ENDPOINT); match path { Some(user_id) if !user_id.is_empty() && user_id.chars().all(|c| c != '/') => { ck.get_user_by_id(user_id).await.map_err(|e| { error!("Data error: {e}"); StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR })? } _ => ck.get_user_by_uri(&url).await.map_err(|e| { error!("Data error: {e}"); StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR })?, } } }; let Some(user) = user else { return Err(StatusCode::NOT_FOUND); }; let tag = FediverseTag::from_parts(( &user.username,, )) .map_err(|e| { error!("URL parse error: {e}"); StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR })?; let mut links = Vec::new(); let mut aliases = Vec::new(); if { if let Some(uri) = user.uri { links.push(WebFingerRel::RelSelf { rel: RelSelf, content_type: ContentActivityStreams, href: uri.clone(), }); links.push(WebFingerRel::RelSelfAlt { rel: RelSelf, content_type: ContentActivityJson, href: uri, }); } } else { links.push(WebFingerRel::RelOStatusSubscribe { rel: RelOStatusSubscribe, template: format!( "{}://{}/authorize-follow?acct={{uri}}", config.networking.protocol, ), }); let user_url = format!( "{}://{}/@{}", config.networking.protocol,, ); links.push(WebFingerRel::RelWebFingerProfilePage { rel: RelWebFingerProfilePage, content_type: ContentHtml, href: user_url.clone(), }); aliases.push(WebFingerSubject::Url(user_url)); let self_url = format!( "{}://{}{}{}", config.networking.protocol,, USER_AP_ENDPOINT, ); links.push(WebFingerRel::RelSelf { rel: RelSelf, content_type: ContentActivityStreams, href: self_url.clone(), }); links.push(WebFingerRel::RelSelfAlt { rel: RelSelf, content_type: ContentActivityJson, href: self_url, }); } Ok(( [(header::CONTENT_TYPE, ContentJrdJson.as_ref())], Json(WebFinger { subject: WebFingerSubject::Acct(tag.into()), aliases: Some(aliases), links, }), )) }