Migration to remove dead columns and tables

This commit is contained in:
Natty 2023-07-29 20:59:21 +02:00
parent fd26fdef93
commit 1cf3606be8
Signed by: natty
2 changed files with 245 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -1,12 +1,16 @@
pub use sea_orm_migration::prelude::*;
mod m20220101_000001_bootstrap;
mod m20230729_201733_drop_messaging_integrations;
pub struct Migrator;
impl MigratorTrait for Migrator {
fn migrations() -> Vec<Box<dyn MigrationTrait>> {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
use sea_orm_migration::prelude::*;
pub struct Migration;
impl MigrationTrait for Migration {
async fn up(&self, manager: &SchemaManager) -> Result<(), DbErr> {
let db = manager.get_connection();
ALTER TABLE meta DROP COLUMN "enableTwitterIntegration";
ALTER TABLE meta DROP COLUMN "twitterConsumerKey";
ALTER TABLE meta DROP COLUMN "twitterConsumerSecret";
ALTER TABLE meta DROP COLUMN "enableGithubIntegration";
ALTER TABLE meta DROP COLUMN "githubClientId";
ALTER TABLE meta DROP COLUMN "githubClientSecret";
ALTER TABLE meta DROP COLUMN "enableDiscordIntegration";
ALTER TABLE meta DROP COLUMN "discordClientId";
ALTER TABLE meta DROP COLUMN "discordClientSecret";
ALTER TABLE note_unread DROP COLUMN "noteChannelId";
DROP TABLE channel_note_pining;
DROP TABLE channel_following;
DROP TABLE channel;
DROP TABLE messaging_message;
ALTER TABLE meta ALTER COLUMN "pinnedPages" SET DEFAULT '{/featured,/explore,/pages,/about-calckey}';
async fn down(&self, manager: &SchemaManager) -> Result<(), DbErr> {
let db = manager.get_connection();
ALTER TABLE meta ALTER COLUMN "pinnedPages" SET DEFAULT '{/featured,/channels,/explore,/pages,/about-misskey}';
create table messaging_message
id varchar(32) not null
constraint "PK_db398fd79dc95d0eb8c30456eaa"
primary key,
"createdAt" timestamp with time zone not null,
"userId" varchar(32) not null
constraint "FK_5377c307783fce2b6d352e1203b"
references "user"
on delete cascade,
"recipientId" varchar(32)
constraint "FK_cac14a4e3944454a5ce7daa5142"
references "user"
on delete cascade,
text varchar(4096),
"isRead" boolean default false not null,
"fileId" varchar(32)
constraint "FK_535def119223ac05ad3fa9ef64b"
references drive_file
on delete cascade,
"groupId" varchar(32)
constraint "FK_2c4be03b446884f9e9c502135be"
references user_group
on delete cascade,
reads varchar(32)[] default '{}'::character varying[] not null,
uri varchar(512)
comment on column messaging_message."createdAt" is 'The created date of the MessagingMessage.';
comment on column messaging_message."userId" is 'The sender user ID.';
comment on column messaging_message."recipientId" is 'The recipient user ID.';
comment on column messaging_message."groupId" is 'The recipient group ID.';
alter table messaging_message
owner to "example-calckey-user";
create index "IDX_e21cd3646e52ef9c94aaf17c2e"
on messaging_message ("createdAt");
create index "IDX_5377c307783fce2b6d352e1203"
on messaging_message ("userId");
create index "IDX_cac14a4e3944454a5ce7daa514"
on messaging_message ("recipientId");
create index "IDX_2c4be03b446884f9e9c502135b"
on messaging_message ("groupId");
create table channel
id varchar(32) not null
constraint "PK_590f33ee6ee7d76437acf362e39"
primary key,
"createdAt" timestamp with time zone not null,
"lastNotedAt" timestamp with time zone,
"userId" varchar(32)
constraint "FK_823bae55bd81b3be6e05cff4383"
references "user"
on delete set null,
name varchar(128) not null,
description varchar(2048),
"bannerId" varchar(32)
constraint "FK_999da2bcc7efadbfe0e92d3bc19"
references drive_file
on delete set null,
"notesCount" integer default 0 not null,
"usersCount" integer default 0 not null
comment on column channel."createdAt" is 'The created date of the Channel.';
comment on column channel."userId" is 'The owner ID.';
comment on column channel.name is 'The name of the Channel.';
comment on column channel.description is 'The description of the Channel.';
comment on column channel."bannerId" is 'The ID of banner Channel.';
comment on column channel."notesCount" is 'The count of notes.';
comment on column channel."usersCount" is 'The count of users.';
alter table channel
owner to "example-calckey-user";
create index "IDX_71cb7b435b7c0d4843317e7e16"
on channel ("createdAt");
create index "IDX_29ef80c6f13bcea998447fce43"
on channel ("lastNotedAt");
create index "IDX_823bae55bd81b3be6e05cff438"
on channel ("userId");
create index "IDX_0f58c11241e649d2a638a8de94"
on channel ("notesCount");
create index "IDX_094b86cd36bb805d1aa1e8cc9a"
on channel ("usersCount");
create table channel_note_pining
id varchar(32) not null
constraint "PK_44f7474496bcf2e4b741681146d"
primary key,
"createdAt" timestamp with time zone not null,
"channelId" varchar(32) not null
constraint "FK_8125f950afd3093acb10d2db8a8"
references channel
on delete cascade,
"noteId" varchar(32) not null
constraint "FK_10b19ef67d297ea9de325cd4502"
references note
on delete cascade
comment on column channel_note_pining."createdAt" is 'The created date of the ChannelNotePining.';
alter table channel_note_pining
owner to "example-calckey-user";
create index "IDX_8125f950afd3093acb10d2db8a"
on channel_note_pining ("channelId");
create unique index "IDX_f36fed37d6d4cdcc68c803cd9c"
on channel_note_pining ("channelId", "noteId");
create table channel_following
id varchar(32) not null
constraint "PK_8b104be7f7415113f2a02cd5bdd"
primary key,
"createdAt" timestamp with time zone not null,
"followeeId" varchar(32) not null
constraint "FK_0e43068c3f92cab197c3d3cd86e"
references channel
on delete cascade,
"followerId" varchar(32) not null
constraint "FK_6d8084ec9496e7334a4602707e1"
references "user"
on delete cascade
comment on column channel_following."createdAt" is 'The created date of the ChannelFollowing.';
comment on column channel_following."followeeId" is 'The followee channel ID.';
comment on column channel_following."followerId" is 'The follower user ID.';
alter table channel_following
owner to "example-calckey-user";
create index "IDX_11e71f2511589dcc8a4d3214f9"
on channel_following ("createdAt");
create index "IDX_0e43068c3f92cab197c3d3cd86"
on channel_following ("followeeId");
create index "IDX_6d8084ec9496e7334a4602707e"
on channel_following ("followerId");
create unique index "IDX_2e230dd45a10e671d781d99f3e"
on channel_following ("followerId", "followeeId");
ALTER TABLE "note" ADD COLUMN "channelId" varchar(32)
CONSTRAINT "FK_f22169eb10657bded6d875ac8f9"
create index "IDX_f22169eb10657bded6d875ac8f"
on note ("channelId");
ALTER TABLE "note_unread" ADD COLUMN "noteChannelId" varchar(32);
create index "IDX_6a57f051d82c6d4036c141e107"
on note_unread ("noteChannelId");
ALTER TABLE "meta" ADD COLUMN "enableTwitterIntegration" boolean default false not null;
ALTER TABLE "meta" ADD COLUMN "twitterConsumerKey" varchar(128);
ALTER TABLE "meta" ADD COLUMN "twitterConsumerSecret" varchar(128);
ALTER TABLE "meta" ADD COLUMN "enableGithubIntegration" boolean default false not null;
ALTER TABLE "meta" ADD COLUMN "githubClientId" varchar(128);
ALTER TABLE "meta" ADD COLUMN "githubClientSecret" varchar(128);
ALTER TABLE "meta" ADD COLUMN "enableDiscordIntegration" boolean default false not null;
ALTER TABLE "meta" ADD COLUMN "discordClientId" varchar(128);
ALTER TABLE "meta" ADD COLUMN "discordClientSecret" varchar(128);