diff --git a/fe_calckey/frontend/client/assets/tagcanvas.min.js b/fe_calckey/frontend/client/assets/tagcanvas.min.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 562fe02..0000000
--- a/fe_calckey/frontend/client/assets/tagcanvas.min.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2553 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2010-2021 Graham Breach
- *
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see .
- */
- * TagCanvas 2.11
- * For more information, please contact
- */
-(function () {
- "use strict";
- var r,
- C,
- p = Math.abs,
- o = Math.sin,
- l = Math.cos,
- g = Math.max,
- h = Math.min,
- af = Math.ceil,
- E = Math.sqrt,
- w = Math.pow,
- I = {},
- D = {},
- R = {
- 0: "0,",
- 1: "17,",
- 2: "34,",
- 3: "51,",
- 4: "68,",
- 5: "85,",
- 6: "102,",
- 7: "119,",
- 8: "136,",
- 9: "153,",
- a: "170,",
- A: "170,",
- b: "187,",
- B: "187,",
- c: "204,",
- C: "204,",
- d: "221,",
- D: "221,",
- e: "238,",
- E: "238,",
- f: "255,",
- F: "255,",
- },
- f,
- d,
- b,
- T,
- z,
- F,
- M,
- c = document,
- v,
- e,
- P,
- j = {};
- for (r = 0; r < 256; ++r)
- (C = r.toString(16)),
- r < 16 && (C = "0" + C),
- (D[C] = D[C.toUpperCase()] = r.toString() + ",");
- function n(a) {
- return typeof a != "undefined";
- }
- function B(a) {
- return typeof a == "object" && a != null;
- }
- function G(a, c, b) {
- return isNaN(a) ? b : h(b, g(c, a));
- }
- function x() {
- return !1;
- }
- function q() {
- return new Date().valueOf();
- }
- function ak(c, d) {
- var b = [],
- e = c.length,
- a;
- for (a = 0; a < e; ++a) b.push(c[a]);
- return b.sort(d), b;
- }
- function ai(a) {
- for (var b = a.length - 1, d, c; b; )
- (c = ~~(Math.random() * b)), (d = a[b]), (a[b] = a[c]), (a[c] = d), --b;
- }
- function ag() {
- var a = window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext;
- if (((e = new a()), !e)) {
- e = "off";
- return;
- }
- return e;
- }
- function $(u, a, t, s, r, q, p) {
- var j = s,
- h = r,
- i = t * 0.01,
- n = 80 * i,
- m = 100 * i,
- o = 40 * i,
- l = 30 * i,
- c = l / 2,
- b = j + n,
- f = b - o,
- k = h + m,
- d = k - l,
- g = h + l,
- e = h + m / 2;
- if (
- (a.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0),
- a.setLineDash([]),
- (a.globalAlpha = 1),
- (a.strokeStyle = p),
- (a.lineWidth = q),
- (a.lineJoin = "round"),
- a.beginPath(),
- a.moveTo(f, g),
- a.lineTo(f, d),
- a.moveTo(b, k),
- a.lineTo(f, d),
- a.lineTo(j, d),
- a.lineTo(j, g),
- a.lineTo(f, g),
- a.lineTo(b, h),
- u)
- ) {
- a.lineTo(b, g),
- a.moveTo(b, d),
- a.lineTo(b, k),
- a.moveTo(b - c, e - c),
- a.lineTo(b + c, e + c),
- a.moveTo(b + c, e - c),
- a.lineTo(b - c, e + c),
- a.stroke();
- return;
- }
- a.closePath(), a.stroke();
- }
- function s(a, b, c) {
- (this.x = a), (this.y = b), (this.z = c);
- }
- (z = s.prototype),
- (z.length = function () {
- return E(this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y + this.z * this.z);
- }),
- (z.dot = function (a) {
- return this.x * a.x + this.y * a.y + this.z * a.z;
- }),
- (z.cross = function (a) {
- var b = this.y * a.z - this.z * a.y,
- c = this.z * a.x - this.x * a.z,
- d = this.x * a.y - this.y * a.x;
- return new s(b, c, d);
- }),
- (z.angle = function (b) {
- var c = this.dot(b),
- a;
- return c == 0
- ? Math.PI / 2
- : ((a = c / (this.length() * b.length())), a >= 1)
- ? 0
- : a <= -1
- ? Math.PI
- : Math.acos(a);
- }),
- (z.unit = function () {
- var a = this.length();
- return new s(this.x / a, this.y / a, this.z / a);
- });
- function ay(b, a) {
- (a = (a * Math.PI) / 180), (b = (b * Math.PI) / 180);
- var c = o(b) * l(a),
- d = -o(a),
- e = -l(b) * l(a);
- return new s(c, d, e);
- }
- function m(a) {
- (this[1] = { 1: a[0], 2: a[1], 3: a[2] }),
- (this[2] = { 1: a[3], 2: a[4], 3: a[5] }),
- (this[3] = { 1: a[6], 2: a[7], 3: a[8] });
- }
- (T = m.prototype),
- (m.Identity = function () {
- return new m([1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1]);
- }),
- (m.Rotation = function (e, a) {
- var c = o(e),
- d = l(e),
- b = 1 - d;
- return new m([
- d + w(a.x, 2) * b,
- a.x * a.y * b - a.z * c,
- a.x * a.z * b + a.y * c,
- a.y * a.x * b + a.z * c,
- d + w(a.y, 2) * b,
- a.y * a.z * b - a.x * c,
- a.z * a.x * b - a.y * c,
- a.z * a.y * b + a.x * c,
- d + w(a.z, 2) * b,
- ]);
- }),
- (T.mul = function (c) {
- var d = [],
- a,
- b,
- e = c.xform ? 1 : 0;
- for (a = 1; a <= 3; ++a)
- for (b = 1; b <= 3; ++b)
- e
- ? d.push(
- this[a][1] * c[1][b] +
- this[a][2] * c[2][b] +
- this[a][3] * c[3][b],
- )
- : d.push(this[a][b] * c);
- return new m(d);
- }),
- (T.xform = function (b) {
- var a = {},
- c = b.x,
- d = b.y,
- e = b.z;
- return (
- (a.x = c * this[1][1] + d * this[2][1] + e * this[3][1]),
- (a.y = c * this[1][2] + d * this[2][2] + e * this[3][2]),
- (a.z = c * this[1][3] + d * this[2][3] + e * this[3][3]),
- a
- );
- });
- function aB(g, j, k, m, f) {
- var a,
- b,
- c,
- d,
- e = [],
- h = 2 / g,
- i;
- i = Math.PI * (3 - E(5) + (parseFloat(f) ? parseFloat(f) : 0));
- for (a = 0; a < g; ++a)
- (b = a * h - 1 + h / 2),
- (c = E(1 - b * b)),
- (d = a * i),
- e.push([l(d) * c * j, b * k, o(d) * c * m]);
- return e;
- }
- function U(n, p, m, k, h, g) {
- var b,
- f = [],
- i = 2 / n,
- j,
- a,
- d,
- c,
- e;
- j = Math.PI * (3 - E(5) + (parseFloat(g) ? parseFloat(g) : 0));
- for (a = 0; a < n; ++a)
- (d = a * i - 1 + i / 2),
- (b = a * j),
- (c = l(b)),
- (e = o(b)),
- f.push(p ? [d * m, c * k, e * h] : [c * m, d * k, e * h]);
- return f;
- }
- function aa(k, e, f, h, i, j) {
- var b,
- g = [],
- m = (Math.PI * 2) / e,
- a,
- c,
- d;
- for (a = 0; a < e; ++a)
- (b = a * m),
- (c = l(b)),
- (d = o(b)),
- g.push(k ? [j * f, c * h, d * i] : [c * f, j * h, d * i]);
- return g;
- }
- function ax(a, b, c, d, e) {
- return U(a, 0, b, c, d, e);
- }
- function aH(a, b, c, d, e) {
- return U(a, 1, b, c, d, e);
- }
- function aG(b, c, d, e, a) {
- return (a = isNaN(a) ? 0 : a * 1), aa(0, b, c, d, e, a);
- }
- function aF(b, c, d, e, a) {
- return (a = isNaN(a) ? 0 : a * 1), aa(1, b, c, d, e, a);
- }
- function av(b) {
- var a = new Image();
- (a.onload = function () {
- var c = a.width / 2,
- d = a.height / 2;
- b.centreFunc = function (b, g, h, e, f) {
- b.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0),
- (b.globalAlpha = 1),
- b.drawImage(a, e - c, f - d);
- };
- }),
- (a.src = b.centreImage);
- }
- function aE(a, c) {
- var b = a,
- d,
- e,
- f = (c * 1).toPrecision(3) + ")";
- return (
- a[0] === "#"
- ? (I[a] ||
- (a.length === 4
- ? (I[a] = "rgba(" + R[a[1]] + R[a[2]] + R[a[3]])
- : (I[a] =
- "rgba(" +
- D[a.substr(1, 2)] +
- D[a.substr(3, 2)] +
- D[a.substr(5, 2)])),
- (b = I[a] + f))
- : a.substr(0, 4) === "rgb(" || a.substr(0, 4) === "hsl("
- ? (b = a.replace("(", "a(").replace(")", "," + f))
- : (a.substr(0, 5) === "rgba(" || a.substr(0, 5) === "hsla(") &&
- ((d = a.lastIndexOf(",") + 1),
- (e = a.indexOf(")")),
- (c *= parseFloat(a.substring(d, e))),
- (b = a.substr(0, d) + c.toPrecision(3) + ")")),
- b
- );
- }
- function k(b, d) {
- if (window.G_vmlCanvasManager) return null;
- var a = c.createElement("canvas");
- return (a.width = b), (a.height = d), a;
- }
- function aD() {
- var b = k(3, 3),
- a,
- c;
- return (
- !!b &&
- ((a = b.getContext("2d")),
- (a.strokeStyle = "#000"),
- (a.shadowColor = "#fff"),
- (a.shadowBlur = 3),
- (a.globalAlpha = 0),
- a.strokeRect(2, 2, 2, 2),
- (a.globalAlpha = 1),
- (c = a.getImageData(2, 2, 1, 1)),
- (b = null),
- c.data[0] > 0)
- );
- }
- function aC(a, c, f, d) {
- var e = a.createLinearGradient(0, 0, c, 0),
- b;
- for (b in d) e.addColorStop(1 - b, d[b]);
- (a.fillStyle = e), a.fillRect(0, f, c, 1);
- }
- function L(a, m, j) {
- var l = 1024,
- d = 1,
- e = a.weightGradient,
- i,
- f,
- b,
- c;
- if (a.gCanvas) (f = a.gCanvas.getContext("2d")), (d = a.gCanvas.height);
- else {
- if ((B(e[0]) ? (d = e.length) : (e = [e]), (a.gCanvas = i = k(l, d)), !i))
- return null;
- f = i.getContext("2d");
- for (b = 0; b < d; ++b) aC(f, l, b, e[b]);
- }
- return (
- (j = g(h(j || 0, d - 1), 0)),
- (c = f.getImageData(~~((l - 1) * m), j, 1, 1).data),
- "rgba(" + c[0] + "," + c[1] + "," + c[2] + "," + c[3] / 255 + ")"
- );
- }
- function Y(b, i, q, k, o, n, h, d, a, g, f, l) {
- var m = o + (d || 0) + (a.length && a[0] < 0 ? p(a[0]) : 0),
- j = n + (d || 0) + (a.length && a[1] < 0 ? p(a[1]) : 0),
- c,
- e;
- (b.font = i),
- (b.textBaseline = "top"),
- (b.fillStyle = q),
- h && (b.shadowColor = h),
- d && (b.shadowBlur = d),
- a.length && ((b.shadowOffsetX = a[0]), (b.shadowOffsetY = a[1]));
- for (c = 0; c < k.length; ++c)
- (e = 0),
- f &&
- ("right" == l
- ? (e = g - f[c])
- : "centre" == l && (e = (g - f[c]) / 2)),
- b.fillText(k[c], m + e, j),
- (j += parseInt(i));
- }
- function y(d, a, b, f, e, c, g) {
- c
- ? (d.beginPath(),
- d.moveTo(a, b + e - c),
- d.arcTo(a, b, a + c, b, c),
- d.arcTo(a + f, b, a + f, b + c, c),
- d.arcTo(a + f, b + e, a + f - c, b + e, c),
- d.arcTo(a, b + e, a, b + e - c, c),
- d.closePath(),
- d[g ? "stroke" : "fill"]())
- : d[g ? "strokeRect" : "fillRect"](a, b, f, e);
- }
- function O(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) {
- (this.strings = a),
- (this.font = b),
- (this.width = c),
- (this.height = d),
- (this.maxWidth = e),
- (this.stringWidths = f),
- (this.align = g),
- (this.valign = h),
- (this.scale = i);
- }
- (M = O.prototype),
- (M.SetImage = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
- (this.image = a),
- (this.iwidth = b * this.scale),
- (this.iheight = c * this.scale),
- (this.ipos = d),
- (this.ipad = e * this.scale),
- (this.iscale = h),
- (this.ialign = f),
- (this.ivalign = g);
- }),
- (M.Align = function (c, d, a) {
- var b = 0;
- return (
- a == "right" || a == "bottom"
- ? (b = d - c)
- : a != "left" && a != "top" && (b = (d - c) / 2),
- b
- );
- }),
- (M.Create = function (G, D, F, b, A, m, q, j, E) {
- var o,
- e,
- f,
- a,
- l,
- s,
- i,
- u,
- v,
- r,
- w,
- n,
- c,
- d,
- x,
- B = p(q[0]),
- C = p(q[1]),
- t,
- z;
- return (
- (j = g(j, B + m, C + m)),
- (l = 2 * (j + b)),
- (i = 2 * (j + b)),
- (e = this.width + l),
- (f = this.height + i),
- (v = r = j + b),
- this.image &&
- ((w = n = j + b),
- (c = this.iwidth),
- (d = this.iheight),
- this.ipos == "top" || this.ipos == "bottom"
- ? (c < this.width
- ? (w += this.Align(c, this.width, this.ialign))
- : (v += this.Align(this.width, c, this.align)),
- this.ipos == "top"
- ? (r += d + this.ipad)
- : (n += this.height + this.ipad),
- (e = g(e, c + l)),
- (f += d + this.ipad))
- : (d < this.height
- ? (n += this.Align(d, this.height, this.ivalign))
- : (r += this.Align(this.height, d, this.valign)),
- this.ipos == "right"
- ? (w += this.width + this.ipad)
- : (v += c + this.ipad),
- (e += c + this.ipad),
- (f = g(f, d + i)))),
- (o = k(e, f)),
- !o
- ? null
- : ((l = i = b / 2),
- (s = e - b),
- (u = f - b),
- (x = h(E, s / 2, u / 2)),
- (a = o.getContext("2d")),
- D && ((a.fillStyle = D), y(a, l, i, s, u, x)),
- b &&
- ((a.strokeStyle = F), (a.lineWidth = b), y(a, l, i, s, u, x, !0)),
- (m || B || C) &&
- ((t = k(e, f)), t && ((z = a), (a = t.getContext("2d")))),
- Y(
- a,
- this.font,
- G,
- this.strings,
- v,
- r,
- 0,
- 0,
- [],
- this.maxWidth,
- this.stringWidths,
- this.align,
- ),
- this.image && a.drawImage(this.image, w, n, c, d),
- z &&
- ((a = z),
- A && (a.shadowColor = A),
- m && (a.shadowBlur = m),
- (a.shadowOffsetX = q[0]),
- (a.shadowOffsetY = q[1]),
- a.drawImage(t, 0, 0)),
- o)
- );
- });
- function H(a, c, d) {
- var b = k(c, d),
- e;
- return b
- ? ((e = b.getContext("2d")),
- e.drawImage(a, (c - a.width) / 2, (d - a.height) / 2),
- b)
- : null;
- }
- function S(e, b, c) {
- var a = k(b, c),
- d;
- return a ? ((d = a.getContext("2d")), d.drawImage(e, 0, 0, b, c), a) : null;
- }
- function W(n, u, t, e, s, c, v, d, r, w) {
- var g = u + (2 * d + c) * e,
- f = t + (2 * d + c) * e,
- l = k(g, f),
- b,
- i,
- q,
- m,
- j,
- o,
- a,
- p;
- return l
- ? ((c *= e),
- (r *= e),
- (i = q = c / 2),
- (m = g - c),
- (j = f - c),
- (d = d * e + i),
- (b = l.getContext("2d")),
- (p = h(r, m / 2, j / 2)),
- s && ((b.fillStyle = s), y(b, i, q, m, j, p)),
- c && ((b.strokeStyle = v), (b.lineWidth = c), y(b, i, q, m, j, p, !0)),
- w
- ? ((o = k(g, f)),
- (a = o.getContext("2d")),
- a.drawImage(n, d, d, u, t),
- (a.globalCompositeOperation = "source-in"),
- (a.fillStyle = v),
- a.fillRect(0, 0, g, f),
- (a.globalCompositeOperation = "destination-over"),
- a.drawImage(l, 0, 0),
- (a.globalCompositeOperation = "source-over"),
- b.drawImage(o, 0, 0))
- : b.drawImage(n, d, d, n.width, n.height),
- { image: l, width: g / e, height: f / e })
- : null;
- }
- function at(l, f, c, d, j) {
- var e,
- a,
- b = parseFloat(f),
- i = g(c, d);
- return (
- (e = k(c, d)),
- !e
- ? null
- : (f.indexOf("%") > 0 ? (b = (i * b) / 100) : (b = b * j),
- (a = e.getContext("2d")),
- (a.globalCompositeOperation = "source-over"),
- (a.fillStyle = "#fff"),
- b >= i / 2
- ? ((b = h(c, d) / 2),
- a.beginPath(),
- a.moveTo(c / 2, d / 2),
- a.arc(c / 2, d / 2, b, 0, 2 * Math.PI, !1),
- a.fill(),
- a.closePath())
- : ((b = h(c / 2, d / 2, b)), y(a, 0, 0, c, d, b, !0), a.fill()),
- (a.globalCompositeOperation = "source-in"),
- a.drawImage(l, 0, 0, c, d),
- e)
- );
- }
- function ao(q, m, i, b, h, a, c) {
- var g = p(c[0]),
- f = p(c[1]),
- j = m + (g > a ? g + a : a * 2) * b,
- l = i + (f > a ? f + a : a * 2) * b,
- n = b * ((a || 0) + (c[0] < 0 ? g : 0)),
- o = b * ((a || 0) + (c[1] < 0 ? f : 0)),
- e,
- d;
- return (
- (e = k(j, l)),
- !e
- ? null
- : ((d = e.getContext("2d")),
- h && (d.shadowColor = h),
- a && (d.shadowBlur = a * b),
- c && ((d.shadowOffsetX = c[0] * b), (d.shadowOffsetY = c[1] * b)),
- d.drawImage(q, n, o, m, i),
- { image: e, width: j / b, height: l / b })
- );
- }
- function ae(m, o, l) {
- var c = parseInt(m.toString().length * l),
- h = parseInt(l * 2 * m.length),
- j = k(c, h),
- g,
- i,
- e,
- f,
- b,
- d,
- n,
- a;
- if (!j) return null;
- (g = j.getContext("2d")),
- (g.fillStyle = "#000"),
- g.fillRect(0, 0, c, h),
- Y(g, l + "px " + o, "#fff", m, 0, 0, 0, 0, [], "centre"),
- (i = g.getImageData(0, 0, c, h)),
- (e = i.width),
- (f = i.height),
- (a = { min: { x: e, y: f }, max: { x: -1, y: -1 } });
- for (d = 0; d < f; ++d)
- for (b = 0; b < e; ++b)
- (n = (d * e + b) * 4),
- i.data[n + 1] > 0 &&
- (b < a.min.x && (a.min.x = b),
- b > a.max.x && (a.max.x = b),
- d < a.min.y && (a.min.y = d),
- d > a.max.y && (a.max.y = d));
- return (
- e != c && ((a.min.x *= c / e), (a.max.x *= c / e)),
- f != h && ((a.min.y *= c / f), (a.max.y *= c / f)),
- (j = null),
- a
- );
- }
- function Q(a) {
- return "'" + a.replace(/(\'|\")/g, "").replace(/\s*,\s*/g, "', '") + "'";
- }
- function t(b, d, a) {
- (a = a || c),
- a.addEventListener
- ? a.addEventListener(b, d, !1)
- : a.attachEvent("on" + b, d);
- }
- function am(b, d, a) {
- (a = a || c),
- a.removeEventListener
- ? a.removeEventListener(b, d)
- : a.detachEvent("on" + b, d);
- }
- function A(g, e, j, a, b) {
- var l = b.imageScale,
- h,
- c,
- k,
- m,
- f,
- d;
- if (!e.complete)
- return t(
- "load",
- function () {
- A(g, e, j, a, b);
- },
- e,
- );
- if (!g.complete)
- return t(
- "load",
- function () {
- A(g, e, j, a, b);
- },
- g,
- );
- if (j && !j.complete)
- return t(
- "load",
- function () {
- A(g, e, j, a, b);
- },
- j,
- );
- (e.width = e.width),
- (e.height = e.height),
- l && ((g.width = e.width * l), (g.height = e.height * l)),
- (a.iw = g.width),
- (a.ih = g.height),
- b.txtOpt &&
- ((c = g),
- (h = b.zoomMax * b.txtScale),
- (f = a.iw * h),
- (d = a.ih * h),
- f < e.naturalWidth || d < e.naturalHeight
- ? ((c = S(g, f, d)), c && (a.fimage = c))
- : ((f = a.iw), (d = a.ih), (h = 1)),
- parseFloat(b.imageRadius) &&
- (a.image = a.fimage = g = at(a.image, b.imageRadius, f, d, h)),
- a.HasText() ||
- (b.shadow &&
- ((c = ao(a.image, f, d, h, b.shadow, b.shadowBlur, b.shadowOffset)),
- c && ((a.fimage = c.image), (a.w = c.width), (a.h = c.height))),
- (b.bgColour || b.bgOutlineThickness) &&
- ((k =
- b.bgColour == "tag" ? i(a.a, "background-color") : b.bgColour),
- (m =
- b.bgOutline == "tag"
- ? i(a.a, "color")
- : b.bgOutline || b.textColour),
- (f = a.fimage.width),
- (d = a.fimage.height),
- b.outlineMethod == "colour" &&
- ((c = W(
- a.fimage,
- f,
- d,
- h,
- k,
- b.bgOutlineThickness,
- a.outline.colour,
- b.padding,
- b.bgRadius,
- 1,
- )),
- c && (a.oimage = c.image)),
- (c = W(
- a.fimage,
- f,
- d,
- h,
- k,
- b.bgOutlineThickness,
- m,
- b.padding,
- b.bgRadius,
- )),
- c && ((a.fimage = c.image), (a.w = c.width), (a.h = c.height))),
- b.outlineMethod == "size" &&
- (b.outlineIncrease > 0
- ? ((a.iw += 2 * b.outlineIncrease),
- (a.ih += 2 * b.outlineIncrease),
- (f = h * a.iw),
- (d = h * a.ih),
- (c = S(a.fimage, f, d)),
- (a.oimage = c),
- (a.fimage = H(a.fimage, a.oimage.width, a.oimage.height)))
- : ((f = h * (a.iw + 2 * b.outlineIncrease)),
- (d = h * (a.ih + 2 * b.outlineIncrease)),
- (c = S(a.fimage, f, d)),
- (a.oimage = H(c, a.fimage.width, a.fimage.height)))))),
- (a.alt = j),
- a.Init();
- }
- function i(a, d) {
- var b = c.defaultView,
- e = d.replace(/\-([a-z])/g, function (a) {
- return a.charAt(1).toUpperCase();
- });
- return (
- (b &&
- b.getComputedStyle &&
- b.getComputedStyle(a, null).getPropertyValue(d)) ||
- (a.currentStyle && a.currentStyle[e])
- );
- }
- function aj(c, d, e) {
- var b = 1,
- a;
- return (
- d
- ? (b = 1 * (c.getAttribute(d) || e))
- : (a = i(c, "font-size")) &&
- (b =
- (a.indexOf("px") > -1 && a.replace("px", "") * 1) ||
- (a.indexOf("pt") > -1 && a.replace("pt", "") * 1.25) ||
- a * 3.3),
- b
- );
- }
- function u(a) {
- return a.target && n(a.target.id)
- ? a.target.id
- : a.srcElement.parentNode.id;
- }
- function K(a, c) {
- var b,
- d,
- e = parseInt(i(c, "width")) / c.width,
- f = parseInt(i(c, "height")) / c.height;
- return (
- n(a.offsetX)
- ? (b = { x: a.offsetX, y: a.offsetY })
- : ((d = X(c.id)),
- n(a.changedTouches) && (a = a.changedTouches[0]),
- a.pageX && (b = { x: a.pageX - d.x, y: a.pageY - d.y })),
- b && e && f && ((b.x /= e), (b.y /= f)),
- b
- );
- }
- function an(c) {
- var d = c.target || c.fromElement.parentNode,
- b = a.tc[d.id];
- b && ((b.mx = b.my = -1), b.UnFreeze(), b.EndDrag());
- }
- function ad(e) {
- var g,
- c = a,
- b,
- d,
- f = u(e);
- for (g in c.tc)
- (b = c.tc[g]), b.tttimer && (clearTimeout(b.tttimer), (b.tttimer = null));
- f &&
- c.tc[f] &&
- ((b = c.tc[f]),
- (d = K(e, b.canvas)) && ((b.mx = d.x), (b.my = d.y), b.Drag(e, d)),
- (b.drawn = 0));
- }
- function ap(b) {
- var e = a,
- f = c.addEventListener ? 0 : 1,
- d = u(b);
- d && b.button == f && e.tc[d] && e.tc[d].BeginDrag(b);
- }
- function aq(b) {
- var f = a,
- g = c.addEventListener ? 0 : 1,
- e = u(b),
- d;
- e &&
- b.button == g &&
- f.tc[e] &&
- ((d = f.tc[e]), ad(b), !d.EndDrag() && !d.touchState && d.Clicked(b));
- }
- function ar(c) {
- var e = u(c),
- b = e && a.tc[e],
- d;
- b &&
- c.changedTouches &&
- (c.touches.length == 1 && b.touchState == 0
- ? ((b.touchState = 1),
- b.BeginDrag(c),
- (d = K(c, b.canvas)) && ((b.mx = d.x), (b.my = d.y), (b.drawn = 0)))
- : c.targetTouches.length == 2 && b.pinchZoom
- ? ((b.touchState = 3), b.EndDrag(), b.BeginPinch(c))
- : (b.EndDrag(), b.EndPinch(), (b.touchState = 0)));
- }
- function ac(c) {
- var d = u(c),
- b = d && a.tc[d];
- if (b && c.changedTouches) {
- switch (b.touchState) {
- case 1:
- b.Draw(), b.Clicked();
- break;
- break;
- case 2:
- b.EndDrag();
- break;
- case 3:
- b.EndPinch();
- }
- b.touchState = 0;
- }
- }
- function au(c) {
- var f,
- e = a,
- b,
- d,
- g = u(c);
- for (f in e.tc)
- (b = e.tc[f]), b.tttimer && (clearTimeout(b.tttimer), (b.tttimer = null));
- if (((b = g && e.tc[g]), b && c.changedTouches && b.touchState)) {
- switch (b.touchState) {
- case 1:
- case 2:
- (d = K(c, b.canvas)) &&
- ((b.mx = d.x), (b.my = d.y), b.Drag(c, d) && (b.touchState = 2));
- break;
- case 3:
- b.Pinch(c);
- }
- b.drawn = 0;
- }
- }
- function ab(b) {
- var d = a,
- c = u(b);
- c &&
- d.tc[c] &&
- ((b.cancelBubble = !0),
- (b.returnValue = !1),
- b.preventDefault && b.preventDefault(),
- d.tc[c].Wheel((b.wheelDelta || b.detail) > 0));
- }
- function aw(d) {
- var c,
- b = a;
- clearTimeout(b.scrollTimer);
- for (c in b.tc) b.tc[c].Pause();
- b.scrollTimer = setTimeout(function () {
- var b,
- c = a;
- for (b in c.tc) c.tc[b].Resume();
- }, b.scrollPause);
- }
- function al() {
- Z(q());
- }
- function Z(b) {
- var c = a.tc,
- d;
- a.NextFrame(a.interval), (b = b || q());
- for (d in c) c[d].Draw(b);
- }
- function az() {
- requestAnimationFrame(Z);
- }
- function aA(a) {
- setTimeout(al, a);
- }
- function X(f) {
- var g = c.getElementById(f),
- b = g.getBoundingClientRect(),
- a = c.documentElement,
- d = c.body,
- e = window,
- h = e.pageXOffset || a.scrollLeft,
- i = e.pageYOffset || a.scrollTop,
- j = a.clientLeft || d.clientLeft,
- k = a.clientTop || d.clientTop;
- return { x: b.left + h - j, y: b.top + i - k };
- }
- function aI(a, b, d, e) {
- var c = (a.radius * a.z1) / (a.z1 + a.z2 + b.z);
- return { x: b.x * c * d, y: b.y * c * e, z: b.z, w: (a.z1 - b.z) / a.z2 };
- }
- function V(a) {
- (this.e = a),
- (this.br = 0),
- (this.line = []),
- (this.text = []),
- (this.original = a.innerText || a.textContent);
- }
- (F = V.prototype),
- (F.Empty = function () {
- for (var a = 0; a < this.text.length; ++a)
- if (this.text[a].length) return !1;
- return !0;
- }),
- (F.Lines = function (c) {
- var e = c ? 1 : 0,
- b,
- d,
- a;
- (c = c || this.e), (b = c.childNodes), (d = b.length);
- for (a = 0; a < d; ++a)
- b[a].nodeName == "BR"
- ? (this.text.push(this.line.join(" ")), (this.br = 1))
- : b[a].nodeType == 3
- ? this.br
- ? ((this.line = [b[a].nodeValue]), (this.br = 0))
- : this.line.push(b[a].nodeValue)
- : this.Lines(b[a]);
- return e || this.br || this.text.push(this.line.join(" ")), this.text;
- }),
- (F.SplitWidth = function (h, e, f, g) {
- var c,
- b,
- a,
- d = [];
- e.font = g + "px " + f;
- for (c = 0; c < this.text.length; ++c) {
- (a = this.text[c].split(/\s+/)), (this.line = [a[0]]);
- for (b = 1; b < a.length; ++b)
- e.measureText(this.line.join(" ") + " " + a[b]).width > h
- ? (d.push(this.line.join(" ")), (this.line = [a[b]]))
- : this.line.push(a[b]);
- d.push(this.line.join(" "));
- }
- return (this.text = d);
- });
- function _(a, b) {
- (this.ts = null),
- (this.tc = a),
- (this.tag = b),
- (this.x = this.y = this.w = this.h = this.sc = 1),
- (this.z = 0),
- (this.pulse = 1),
- (this.pulsate = a.pulsateTo < 1),
- (this.colour = a.outlineColour),
- (this.adash = ~~a.outlineDash),
- (this.agap = ~~a.outlineDashSpace || this.adash),
- (this.aspeed = a.outlineDashSpeed * 1),
- this.colour == "tag"
- ? (this.colour = i(b.a, "color"))
- : this.colour == "tagbg" && (this.colour = i(b.a, "background-color")),
- (this.Draw = this.pulsate ? this.DrawPulsate : this.DrawSimple),
- (this.radius = a.outlineRadius | 0),
- this.SetMethod(a.outlineMethod, a.altImage);
- }
- (f = _.prototype),
- (f.SetMethod = function (a, d) {
- var b = {
- block: ["PreDraw", "DrawBlock"],
- colour: ["PreDraw", "DrawColour"],
- outline: ["PostDraw", "DrawOutline"],
- classic: ["LastDraw", "DrawOutline"],
- size: ["PreDraw", "DrawSize"],
- none: ["LastDraw"],
- },
- c = b[a] || b.outline;
- a == "none"
- ? (this.Draw = function () {
- return 1;
- })
- : (this.drawFunc = this[c[1]]),
- (this[c[0]] = this.Draw),
- d && ((this.RealPreDraw = this.PreDraw), (this.PreDraw = this.DrawAlt));
- }),
- (f.Update = function (d, e, i, j, a, f, g, h) {
- var b = this.tc.outlineOffset,
- c = 2 * b;
- (this.x = a * d + g - b),
- (this.y = a * e + h - b),
- (this.w = a * i + c),
- (this.h = a * j + c),
- (this.sc = a),
- (this.z = f);
- }),
- (f.Ants = function (k) {
- if (!this.adash) return;
- var b = this.adash,
- c = this.agap,
- a = this.aspeed,
- j = b + c,
- h = 0,
- g = b,
- f = c,
- i = 0,
- d = 0,
- e;
- a &&
- ((d = (p(a) * (q() - this.ts)) / 50),
- a < 0 && (d = 864e4 - d),
- (a = ~~d % j)),
- a
- ? (b >= a ? ((h = b - a), (g = a)) : ((f = j - a), (i = c - f)),
- (e = [h, f, g, i]))
- : (e = [b, c]),
- k.setLineDash(e);
- }),
- (f.DrawOutline = function (a, d, e, b, c, f) {
- var g = h(this.radius, c / 2, b / 2);
- (a.strokeStyle = f), this.Ants(a), y(a, d, e, b, c, g, !0);
- }),
- (f.DrawSize = function (i, n, m, l, k, j, a, h, g) {
- var f = a.w,
- e = a.h,
- c,
- b,
- d;
- return (
- this.pulsate
- ? (a.image
- ? (d =
- (a.image.height + this.tc.outlineIncrease) / a.image.height)
- : (d = a.oscale),
- (b = a.fimage || a.image),
- (c = 1 + (d - 1) * (1 - this.pulse)),
- (a.h *= c),
- (a.w *= c))
- : (b = a.oimage),
- (a.alpha = 1),
- a.Draw(i, h, g, b),
- (a.h = e),
- (a.w = f),
- 1
- );
- }),
- (f.DrawColour = function (d, h, i, e, f, g, a, b, c) {
- return a.oimage
- ? (this.pulse < 1
- ? ((a.alpha = 1 - w(this.pulse, 2)),
- a.Draw(d, b, c, a.fimage),
- (a.alpha = this.pulse))
- : (a.alpha = 1),
- a.Draw(d, b, c, a.oimage),
- 1)
- : this[a.image ? "DrawColourImage" : "DrawColourText"](
- d,
- h,
- i,
- e,
- f,
- g,
- a,
- b,
- c,
- );
- }),
- (f.DrawColourText = function (f, h, i, j, g, e, a, b, c) {
- var d = a.colour;
- return (a.colour = e), (a.alpha = 1), a.Draw(f, b, c), (a.colour = d), 1;
- }),
- (f.DrawColourImage = function (a, q, p, o, n, m, i, r, l) {
- var f = a.canvas,
- e = ~~g(q, 0),
- d = ~~g(p, 0),
- c = (h(f.width - e, o) + 0.5) | 0,
- b = (h(f.height - d, n) + 0.5) | 0,
- j;
- return (
- v ? ((v.width = c), (v.height = b)) : (v = k(c, b)),
- !v
- ? this.SetMethod("outline")
- : ((j = v.getContext("2d")),
- j.drawImage(f, e, d, c, b, 0, 0, c, b),
- a.clearRect(e, d, c, b),
- this.pulsate ? (i.alpha = 1 - w(this.pulse, 2)) : (i.alpha = 1),
- i.Draw(a, r, l),
- a.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0),
- a.save(),
- a.beginPath(),
- a.rect(e, d, c, b),
- a.clip(),
- (a.globalCompositeOperation = "source-in"),
- (a.fillStyle = m),
- a.fillRect(e, d, c, b),
- a.restore(),
- (a.globalAlpha = 1),
- (a.globalCompositeOperation = "destination-over"),
- a.drawImage(v, 0, 0, c, b, e, d, c, b),
- (a.globalCompositeOperation = "source-over"),
- 1)
- );
- }),
- (f.DrawAlt = function (b, a, c, d, f, g) {
- var e = this.RealPreDraw(b, a, c, d, f, g);
- return a.alt && (a.DrawImage(b, c, d, a.alt), (e = 1)), e;
- }),
- (f.DrawBlock = function (a, d, e, b, c, f) {
- var g = h(this.radius, c / 2, b / 2);
- (a.fillStyle = f), y(a, d, e, b, c, g);
- }),
- (f.DrawSimple = function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
- var g = this.tc;
- return (
- a.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0),
- (a.strokeStyle = this.colour),
- (a.lineWidth = g.outlineThickness),
- (a.shadowBlur = a.shadowOffsetX = a.shadowOffsetY = 0),
- (a.globalAlpha = f ? e : 1),
- this.drawFunc(a, this.x, this.y, this.w, this.h, this.colour, b, c, d)
- );
- }),
- (f.DrawPulsate = function (h, d, e, f) {
- var g = q() - this.ts,
- c = this.tc,
- b =
- c.pulsateTo +
- (1 - c.pulsateTo) *
- (0.5 + l((2 * Math.PI * g) / (1e3 * c.pulsateTime)) / 2);
- return (
- (this.pulse = b = a.Smooth(1, b)), this.DrawSimple(h, d, e, f, b, 1)
- );
- }),
- (f.Active = function (d, a, b) {
- var c =
- a >= this.x &&
- b >= this.y &&
- a <= this.x + this.w &&
- b <= this.y + this.h;
- return c ? (this.ts = this.ts || q()) : (this.ts = null), c;
- }),
- (f.PreDraw = f.PostDraw = f.LastDraw = x);
- function J(a, h, c, b, e, f, g, d, i, j, k, l, m, n) {
- (this.tc = a),
- (this.image = null),
- (this.text = h),
- (this.text_original = n),
- (this.line_widths = []),
- (this.title = c.title || null),
- (this.a = c),
- (this.position = new s(b[0], b[1], b[2])),
- (this.x = this.y = this.z = 0),
- (this.w = e),
- (this.h = f),
- (this.colour = g || a.textColour),
- (this.bgColour = d || a.bgColour),
- (this.bgRadius = i | 0),
- (this.bgOutline = j || this.colour),
- (this.bgOutlineThickness = k | 0),
- (this.textFont = l || a.textFont),
- (this.padding = m | 0),
- (this.sc = this.alpha = 1),
- (this.weighted = !a.weight),
- (this.outline = new _(a, this)),
- (this.audio = null);
- }
- (d = J.prototype),
- (d.Init = function (b) {
- var a = this.tc;
- (this.textHeight = a.textHeight),
- this.HasText()
- ? this.Measure(a.ctxt, a)
- : ((this.w = this.iw), (this.h = this.ih)),
- (this.SetShadowColour = a.shadowAlpha
- ? this.SetShadowColourAlpha
- : this.SetShadowColourFixed),
- this.SetDraw(a);
- }),
- (d.Draw = x),
- (d.HasText = function () {
- return this.text && this.text[0].length > 0;
- }),
- (d.EqualTo = function (a) {
- var b = a.getElementsByTagName("img");
- return this.a.href != a.href
- ? 0
- : b.length
- ? this.image.src == b[0].src
- : (a.innerText || a.textContent) == this.text_original;
- }),
- (d.SetImage = function (a) {
- this.image = this.fimage = a;
- }),
- (d.SetAudio = function (a) {
- (this.audio = a), this.audio.load();
- }),
- (d.SetDraw = function (a) {
- (this.Draw = this.fimage
- ? a.ie > 7
- ? this.DrawImageIE
- : this.DrawImage
- : this.DrawText),
- a.noSelect && (this.CheckActive = x);
- }),
- (d.MeasureText = function (d) {
- var a,
- e = this.text.length,
- b = 0,
- c;
- for (a = 0; a < e; ++a)
- (this.line_widths[a] = c = d.measureText(this.text[a]).width),
- (b = g(b, c));
- return b;
- }),
- (d.Measure = function (e, a) {
- var f = ae(this.text, this.textFont, this.textHeight),
- b,
- k,
- h,
- i,
- g,
- l,
- j,
- c,
- d;
- (j = f ? f.max.y + f.min.y : this.textHeight),
- (e.font = this.font = this.textHeight + "px " + this.textFont),
- (l = this.MeasureText(e)),
- a.txtOpt &&
- ((b = a.txtScale),
- (k = b * this.textHeight),
- (h = k + "px " + this.textFont),
- (i = [b * a.shadowOffset[0], b * a.shadowOffset[1]]),
- (e.font = h),
- (g = this.MeasureText(e)),
- (d = new O(
- this.text,
- h,
- g + b,
- b * j + b,
- g,
- this.line_widths,
- a.textAlign,
- a.textVAlign,
- b,
- )),
- this.image &&
- d.SetImage(
- this.image,
- this.iw,
- this.ih,
- a.imagePosition,
- a.imagePadding,
- a.imageAlign,
- a.imageVAlign,
- a.imageScale,
- ),
- (c = d.Create(
- this.colour,
- this.bgColour,
- this.bgOutline,
- b * this.bgOutlineThickness,
- a.shadow,
- b * a.shadowBlur,
- i,
- b * this.padding,
- b * this.bgRadius,
- )),
- a.outlineMethod == "colour"
- ? (this.oimage = d.Create(
- this.outline.colour,
- this.bgColour,
- this.outline.colour,
- b * this.bgOutlineThickness,
- a.shadow,
- b * a.shadowBlur,
- i,
- b * this.padding,
- b * this.bgRadius,
- ))
- : a.outlineMethod == "size" &&
- ((f = ae(
- this.text,
- this.textFont,
- this.textHeight + a.outlineIncrease,
- )),
- (k = f.max.y + f.min.y),
- (h =
- b * (this.textHeight + a.outlineIncrease) +
- "px " +
- this.textFont),
- (e.font = h),
- (g = this.MeasureText(e)),
- (d = new O(
- this.text,
- h,
- g + b,
- b * k + b,
- g,
- this.line_widths,
- a.textAlign,
- a.textVAlign,
- b,
- )),
- this.image &&
- d.SetImage(
- this.image,
- this.iw + a.outlineIncrease,
- this.ih + a.outlineIncrease,
- a.imagePosition,
- a.imagePadding,
- a.imageAlign,
- a.imageVAlign,
- a.imageScale,
- ),
- (this.oimage = d.Create(
- this.colour,
- this.bgColour,
- this.bgOutline,
- b * this.bgOutlineThickness,
- a.shadow,
- b * a.shadowBlur,
- i,
- b * this.padding,
- b * this.bgRadius,
- )),
- (this.oscale = this.oimage.width / c.width),
- a.outlineIncrease > 0
- ? (c = H(c, this.oimage.width, this.oimage.height))
- : (this.oimage = H(this.oimage, c.width, c.height))),
- c &&
- ((this.fimage = c),
- (l = this.fimage.width / b),
- (j = this.fimage.height / b)),
- this.SetDraw(a),
- (a.txtOpt = !!this.fimage)),
- (this.h = j),
- (this.w = l);
- }),
- (d.SetFont = function (a, b, c, d) {
- (this.textFont = a),
- (this.colour = b),
- (this.bgColour = c),
- (this.bgOutline = d),
- this.Measure(this.tc.ctxt, this.tc);
- }),
- (d.SetWeight = function (c) {
- var b = this.tc,
- e = b.weightMode.split(/[, ]/),
- d,
- a,
- f = c.length;
- if (!this.HasText()) return;
- this.weighted = !0;
- for (a = 0; a < f; ++a)
- (d = e[a] || "size"),
- "both" == d
- ? (this.Weight(
- c[a],
- b.ctxt,
- b,
- "size",
- b.min_weight[a],
- b.max_weight[a],
- a,
- ),
- this.Weight(
- c[a],
- b.ctxt,
- b,
- "colour",
- b.min_weight[a],
- b.max_weight[a],
- a,
- ))
- : this.Weight(
- c[a],
- b.ctxt,
- b,
- d,
- b.min_weight[a],
- b.max_weight[a],
- a,
- );
- this.Measure(b.ctxt, b);
- }),
- (d.Weight = function (b, i, a, d, f, h, e) {
- b = isNaN(b) ? 1 : b;
- var c = (b - f) / (h - f);
- "colour" == d
- ? (this.colour = L(a, c, e))
- : "bgcolour" == d
- ? (this.bgColour = L(a, c, e))
- : "bgoutline" == d
- ? (this.bgOutline = L(a, c, e))
- : "outline" == d
- ? (this.outline.colour = L(a, c, e))
- : "size" == d &&
- (a.weightSizeMin > 0 && a.weightSizeMax > a.weightSizeMin
- ? (this.textHeight =
- a.weightSize *
- (a.weightSizeMin + (a.weightSizeMax - a.weightSizeMin) * c))
- : (this.textHeight = g(1, b * a.weightSize)));
- }),
- (d.SetShadowColourFixed = function (a, b, c) {
- a.shadowColor = b;
- }),
- (d.SetShadowColourAlpha = function (a, b, c) {
- a.shadowColor = aE(b, c);
- }),
- (d.DrawText = function (a, h, i) {
- var e = this.tc,
- g = this.x,
- f = this.y,
- c = this.sc,
- b,
- d;
- (a.globalAlpha = this.alpha),
- (a.fillStyle = this.colour),
- e.shadow && this.SetShadowColour(a, e.shadow, this.alpha),
- (a.font = this.font),
- (g += h / c),
- (f += i / c - this.h / 2);
- for (b = 0; b < this.text.length; ++b)
- (d = g),
- "right" == e.textAlign
- ? (d += this.w / 2 - this.line_widths[b])
- : "centre" == e.textAlign
- ? (d -= this.line_widths[b] / 2)
- : (d -= this.w / 2),
- a.setTransform(c, 0, 0, c, c * d, c * f),
- a.fillText(this.text[b], 0, 0),
- (f += this.textHeight);
- }),
- (d.DrawImage = function (b, i, k, l) {
- var e = this.x,
- f = this.y,
- a = this.sc,
- j = l || this.fimage,
- c = this.w,
- d = this.h,
- g = this.alpha,
- h = this.shadow;
- (b.globalAlpha = g),
- h && this.SetShadowColour(b, h, g),
- (e += i / a - c / 2),
- (f += k / a - d / 2),
- b.setTransform(a, 0, 0, a, a * e, a * f),
- b.drawImage(j, 0, 0, c, d);
- }),
- (d.DrawImageIE = function (b, d, e) {
- var c = this.fimage,
- a = this.sc,
- f = (c.width = this.w * a),
- g = (c.height = this.h * a),
- h = this.x * a + d - f / 2,
- i = this.y * a + e - g / 2;
- b.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0),
- (b.globalAlpha = this.alpha),
- b.drawImage(c, h, i);
- }),
- (d.Calc = function (g, e) {
- var a,
- b = this.tc,
- d = b.minBrightness,
- f = b.maxBrightness,
- c = b.max_radius;
- return (
- (a = g.xform(this.position)),
- (this.xformed = a),
- (a = aI(b, a, b.stretchX, b.stretchY)),
- (this.x = a.x),
- (this.y = a.y),
- (this.z = a.z),
- (this.sc = a.w),
- (this.alpha = e * G(d + ((f - d) * (c - this.z)) / (2 * c), 0, 1)),
- this.xformed
- );
- }),
- (d.UpdateActive = function (h, e, f) {
- var a = this.outline,
- b = this.w,
- c = this.h,
- d = this.x - b / 2,
- g = this.y - c / 2;
- return a.Update(d, g, b, c, this.sc, this.z, e, f), a;
- }),
- (d.CheckActive = function (a, d, e) {
- var b = this.tc,
- c = this.UpdateActive(a, d, e);
- return c.Active(a, b.mx, b.my) ? c : null;
- }),
- (d.Clicked = function (f) {
- var b = this.a,
- a = b.target,
- d = b.href,
- e;
- if (a != "" && a != "_self") {
- if (self.frames[a]) self.frames[a].document.location = d;
- else {
- try {
- if (top.frames[a]) {
- top.frames[a].document.location = d;
- return;
- }
- } catch (a) {}
- window.open(d, a);
- }
- return;
- }
- if (c.createEvent) {
- if (
- ((e = c.createEvent("MouseEvents")),
- e.initMouseEvent(
- "click",
- 1,
- 1,
- window,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- null,
- ),
- !b.dispatchEvent(e))
- )
- return;
- } else if (b.fireEvent) if (!b.fireEvent("onclick")) return;
- c.location = d;
- }),
- (d.StopAudio = function () {
- this.audio && this.playing && this.audio.pause(),
- (this.stopped = 1),
- (this.playing = 0);
- }),
- (d.PlayAudio = function () {
- if (e === "off" || this.tc.audioOff) return;
- if (!e && !ag()) return;
- var a = this.tc.audio,
- c = this.tc.gain,
- d = "suspended",
- b;
- if (this.audio)
- if (
- (this.track ||
- ((this.track = e.createMediaElementSource(this.audio)),
- (this.gain = e.createGain()),
- this.track.connect(this.gain),
- this.gain.connect(e.destination)),
- (a = this.audio),
- (c = this.gain),
- !a.paused)
- )
- return 1;
- if (a) {
- if ((e.state == d && e.resume(), e.state == d)) return;
- return (
- (c.gain.value = h(2, g(0, this.tc.audioVolume * 1))),
- (a.currentTime = 0),
- (this.stopped = 0),
- (b = a.play()),
- b !== void 0 &&
- b.then((a) => {
- this.stopped ? this.audio.pause() : (this.playing = 1);
- }),
- 1
- );
- }
- });
- function a(f, o, k) {
- var d,
- i,
- b = c.getElementById(f),
- l = ["id", "class", "innerHTML"];
- if (!b) throw 0;
- if (
- (n(window.G_vmlCanvasManager) &&
- ((b = window.G_vmlCanvasManager.initElement(b)),
- (this.ie = parseFloat(navigator.appVersion.split("MSIE")[1]))),
- b && (!b.getContext || !b.getContext("2d").fillText))
- ) {
- i = c.createElement("DIV");
- for (d = 0; d < l.length; ++d) i[l[d]] = b[l[d]];
- throw (b.parentNode.insertBefore(i, b), b.parentNode.removeChild(b), 0);
- }
- for (d in a.options)
- this[d] = k && n(k[d]) ? k[d] : n(a[d]) ? a[d] : a.options[d];
- if (
- ((this.canvas = b),
- (this.ctxt = b.getContext("2d")),
- (this.z1 = 250 / g(this.depth, 0.001)),
- (this.z2 = this.z1 / this.zoom),
- (this.radius = h(b.height, b.width) * 0.0075),
- (this.max_radius = 100),
- (this.max_weight = []),
- (this.min_weight = []),
- (this.textFont = this.textFont && Q(this.textFont)),
- (this.textHeight *= 1),
- (this.imageRadius = this.imageRadius.toString()),
- (this.pulsateTo = G(this.pulsateTo, 0, 1)),
- (this.minBrightness = G(this.minBrightness, 0, 1)),
- (this.maxBrightness = G(this.maxBrightness, this.minBrightness, 1)),
- (this.ctxt.textBaseline = "top"),
- (this.lx = (this.lock + "").indexOf("x") + 1),
- (this.ly = (this.lock + "").indexOf("y") + 1),
- (this.frozen = this.dx = this.dy = this.fixedAnim = this.touchState = 0),
- (this.fixedAlpha = 1),
- (this.source = o || f),
- (this.repeatTags = h(64, ~~this.repeatTags)),
- (this.minTags = h(200, ~~this.minTags)),
- ~~this.scrollPause > 0
- ? (a.scrollPause = ~~this.scrollPause)
- : (this.scrollPause = 0),
- this.minTags > 0 &&
- this.repeatTags < 1 &&
- (d = this.GetTags().length) &&
- (this.repeatTags = af(this.minTags / d) - 1),
- (this.transform = m.Identity()),
- (this.startTime = this.time = q()),
- (this.mx = this.my = -1),
- this.centreImage && av(this),
- (this.Animate = this.dragControl
- ? this.AnimateDrag
- : this.AnimatePosition),
- (this.animTiming =
- typeof a[this.animTiming] == "function"
- ? a[this.animTiming]
- : a.Smooth),
- this.shadowBlur || this.shadowOffset[0] || this.shadowOffset[1]
- ? ((this.ctxt.shadowColor = this.shadow),
- (this.shadow = this.ctxt.shadowColor),
- (this.shadowAlpha = aD()))
- : delete this.shadow,
- this.activeAudio === !1
- ? (e = "off")
- : this.activeAudio && this.LoadAudio(),
- this.Load(),
- o &&
- this.hideTags &&
- (function (b) {
- a.loaded
- ? b.HideTags()
- : t(
- "load",
- function () {
- b.HideTags();
- },
- window,
- );
- })(this),
- (this.yaw = this.initial ? this.initial[0] * this.maxSpeed : 0),
- (this.pitch = this.initial ? this.initial[1] * this.maxSpeed : 0),
- this.tooltip
- ? ((this.ctitle = b.title),
- (b.title = ""),
- this.tooltip == "native"
- ? (this.Tooltip = this.TooltipNative)
- : ((this.Tooltip = this.TooltipDiv),
- this.ttdiv ||
- ((this.ttdiv = c.createElement("div")),
- (this.ttdiv.className = this.tooltipClass),
- (this.ttdiv.style.position = "absolute"),
- (this.ttdiv.style.zIndex = b.style.zIndex + 1),
- t(
- "mouseover",
- function (a) {
- a.target.style.display = "none";
- },
- this.ttdiv,
- ),
- c.body.appendChild(this.ttdiv))))
- : (this.Tooltip = this.TooltipNone),
- !this.noMouse && !j[f])
- ) {
- (j[f] = [
- ["mousemove", ad],
- ["mouseout", an],
- ["mouseup", aq],
- ["touchstart", ar],
- ["touchend", ac],
- ["touchcancel", ac],
- ["touchmove", au],
- ]),
- this.dragControl &&
- (j[f].push(["mousedown", ap]), j[f].push(["selectstart", x])),
- this.wheelZoom &&
- (j[f].push(["mousewheel", ab]), j[f].push(["DOMMouseScroll", ab])),
- this.scrollPause && j[f].push(["scroll", aw, window]);
- for (d = 0; d < j[f].length; ++d)
- (i = j[f][d]), t(i[0], i[1], i[2] ? i[2] : b);
- }
- a.started ||
- ((a.NextFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame ? az : aA),
- (a.interval = this.interval),
- a.NextFrame(this.interval),
- (a.started = 1));
- }
- (b = a.prototype),
- (b.SourceElements = function () {
- return c.querySelectorAll
- ? c.querySelectorAll("#" + this.source)
- : [c.getElementById(this.source)];
- }),
- (b.HideTags = function () {
- var b = this.SourceElements(),
- a;
- for (a = 0; a < b.length; ++a) b[a].style.display = "none";
- }),
- (b.GetTags = function () {
- var e = this.SourceElements(),
- c,
- f = [],
- a,
- b,
- d;
- for (d = 0; d <= this.repeatTags; ++d)
- for (a = 0; a < e.length; ++a) {
- c = e[a].getElementsByTagName("a");
- for (b = 0; b < c.length; ++b) f.push(c[b]);
- }
- return f;
- }),
- (b.Message = function (j) {
- var g = [],
- a,
- f,
- b = j.split(""),
- d,
- e,
- h,
- i;
- for (a = 0; a < b.length; ++a)
- b[a] != " " &&
- ((f = a - b.length / 2),
- (d = c.createElement("A")),
- (d.href = "#"),
- (d.innerText = b[a]),
- (h = 100 * o(f / 9)),
- (i = -100 * l(f / 9)),
- (e = new J(
- this,
- b[a],
- d,
- [h, 0, i],
- 2,
- 18,
- "#000",
- "#fff",
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- "monospace",
- 2,
- b[a],
- )),
- e.Init(),
- g.push(e));
- return g;
- }),
- (b.AddAudio = function (b, c) {
- if (e === "off") return;
- var a = b.getElementsByTagName("audio");
- a.length && (c.SetAudio(a[0]), (this.hasAudio = 1));
- }),
- (b.CreateTag = function (b) {
- var e,
- c,
- a,
- f,
- d,
- g,
- h,
- j,
- k = [0, 0, 0],
- l;
- if ("text" != this.imageMode)
- if (((e = b.getElementsByTagName("img")), e.length))
- if (((c = new Image()), (c.src = e[0].src), !this.imageMode))
- return (
- (a = new J(this, "", b, k, 0, 0)),
- a.SetImage(c),
- A(c, e[0], e[1], a, this),
- this.AddAudio(b, a),
- a
- );
- if (
- ("image" != this.imageMode &&
- ((d = new V(b)),
- (f = d.Lines()),
- d.Empty()
- ? (d = null)
- : ((g = this.textFont || Q(i(b, "font-family"))),
- this.splitWidth &&
- (f = d.SplitWidth(
- this.splitWidth,
- this.ctxt,
- g,
- this.textHeight,
- )),
- (h =
- this.bgColour == "tag"
- ? i(b, "background-color")
- : this.bgColour),
- (j = this.bgOutline == "tag" ? i(b, "color") : this.bgOutline))),
- d || c)
- )
- return (
- (a = new J(
- this,
- f,
- b,
- k,
- 2,
- this.textHeight + 2,
- this.textColour || i(b, "color"),
- h,
- this.bgRadius,
- j,
- this.bgOutlineThickness,
- g,
- this.padding,
- d && d.original,
- )),
- c ? (a.SetImage(c), A(c, e[0], e[1], a, this)) : a.Init(),
- this.AddAudio(b, a),
- a
- );
- }),
- (b.UpdateTag = function (a, b) {
- var c = this.textColour || i(b, "color"),
- d = this.textFont || Q(i(b, "font-family")),
- e = this.bgColour == "tag" ? i(b, "background-color") : this.bgColour,
- f = this.bgOutline == "tag" ? i(b, "color") : this.bgOutline;
- (a.a = b),
- (a.title = b.title),
- (a.colour != c ||
- a.textFont != d ||
- a.bgColour != e ||
- a.bgOutline != f) &&
- a.SetFont(d, c, e, f);
- }),
- (b.Weight = function (d) {
- var f = d.length,
- c,
- b,
- a,
- e = [],
- g,
- h = this.weightFrom ? this.weightFrom.split(/[, ]/) : [null],
- i = h.length;
- for (b = 0; b < f; ++b) {
- e[b] = [];
- for (a = 0; a < i; ++a)
- (c = aj(d[b].a, h[a], this.textHeight)),
- (!this.max_weight[a] || c > this.max_weight[a]) &&
- (this.max_weight[a] = c),
- (!this.min_weight[a] || c < this.min_weight[a]) &&
- (this.min_weight[a] = c),
- (e[b][a] = c);
- }
- for (a = 0; a < i; ++a)
- this.max_weight[a] > this.min_weight[a] && (g = 1);
- if (g) for (b = 0; b < f; ++b) d[b].SetWeight(e[b]);
- }),
- (b.Load = function () {
- var c = this.GetTags(),
- b = [],
- d,
- k,
- l,
- h,
- i,
- j,
- f,
- a,
- e = [],
- m = { sphere: aB, vcylinder: ax, hcylinder: aH, vring: aG, hring: aF };
- if (c.length) {
- e.length = c.length;
- for (a = 0; a < c.length; ++a) e[a] = a;
- this.shuffleTags && ai(e),
- (h = 100 * this.radiusX),
- (i = 100 * this.radiusY),
- (j = 100 * this.radiusZ),
- (this.max_radius = g(h, g(i, j)));
- for (a = 0; a < c.length; ++a)
- (k = this.CreateTag(c[e[a]])), k && b.push(k);
- this.weight && this.Weight(b, !0),
- this.shapeArgs
- ? (this.shapeArgs[0] = b.length)
- : ((l = this.shape.toString().split(/[(),]/)),
- (d = l.shift()),
- typeof window[d] == "function"
- ? (this.shape = window[d])
- : (this.shape = m[d] || m.sphere),
- (this.shapeArgs = [b.length, h, i, j].concat(l))),
- (f = this.shape.apply(this, this.shapeArgs)),
- (this.listLength = b.length);
- for (a = 0; a < b.length; ++a)
- b[a].position = new s(f[a][0], f[a][1], f[a][2]);
- }
- this.noTagsMessage &&
- !b.length &&
- ((a =
- this.imageMode && this.imageMode != "both"
- ? this.imageMode + " "
- : ""),
- (b = this.Message("No " + a + "tags"))),
- (this.taglist = b);
- }),
- (b.Update = function () {
- var e = this.GetTags(),
- d = [],
- j = this.taglist,
- k,
- f = [],
- c = [],
- h,
- i,
- g,
- a,
- b;
- if (!this.shapeArgs) return this.Load();
- if (e.length) {
- (g = this.listLength = e.length), (i = j.length);
- for (a = 0; a < i; ++a) d.push(j[a]), c.push(a);
- for (a = 0; a < g; ++a) {
- for (b = 0, k = 0; b < i; ++b)
- j[b].EqualTo(e[a]) && (this.UpdateTag(d[b], e[a]), (k = c[b] = -1));
- k || f.push(a);
- }
- for (a = 0, b = 0; a < i; ++a) c[b] == -1 ? c.splice(b, 1) : ++b;
- if (c.length) {
- for (ai(c); c.length && f.length; )
- (a = c.shift()), (b = f.shift()), (d[a] = this.CreateTag(e[b]));
- for (
- c.sort(function (a, b) {
- return a - b;
- });
- c.length;
- )
- d.splice(c.pop(), 1);
- }
- for (b = d.length / (f.length + 1), a = 0; f.length; )
- d.splice(af(++a * b), 0, this.CreateTag(e[f.shift()]));
- (this.shapeArgs[0] = g = d.length),
- (h = this.shape.apply(this, this.shapeArgs));
- for (a = 0; a < g; ++a)
- d[a].position = new s(h[a][0], h[a][1], h[a][2]);
- this.weight && this.Weight(d);
- }
- this.taglist = d;
- }),
- (b.SetShadow = function (a) {
- (a.shadowBlur = this.shadowBlur),
- (a.shadowOffsetX = this.shadowOffset[0]),
- (a.shadowOffsetY = this.shadowOffset[1]);
- }),
- (b.LoadAudio = function () {
- if (!e && !ag()) return;
- (this.audio = c.createElement("audio")),
- (this.audio.src = this.activeAudio),
- (this.track = e.createMediaElementSource(this.audio)),
- (this.gain = e.createGain()),
- this.track.connect(this.gain),
- this.gain.connect(e.destination),
- (this.hasAudio = 1),
- (P = function (a) {
- e.resume(), c.removeEventListener("click", P);
- }),
- c.addEventListener("click", P);
- }),
- (b.ShowAudioIcon = function () {
- var a = this.audioIconSize,
- c = this.canvas,
- d = this.ctxt,
- k = c.width - a - 3,
- f = c.height - a - 3,
- g = this.audioIconThickness,
- h = "#000",
- i = "#fff",
- j = this.audioIconDark,
- b = this.audioOff,
- l = "suspended";
- if (!e) return;
- b || (b = e.state === l),
- this.audioIcon &&
- this.hasAudio &&
- ($(b, d, a, k, f, g + 1, j ? i : h), $(b, d, a, k, f, g, j ? h : i));
- }),
- (b.CheckAudioIcon = function () {
- var a = this.audioIconSize,
- b = this.canvas,
- c = this.audioIconThickness / 2,
- d = b.width - a - 3 - c,
- e = b.height - a - 3 - c;
- if (this.audioIcon && this.mx >= d && this.my >= e) return !0;
- }),
- (b.ToggleAudio = function () {
- var a = this.audioOff || (e && e.state === "suspended");
- a || (this.currentAudio && this.currentAudio.StopAudio()),
- (this.audioOff = !a);
- }),
- (b.Draw = function (s) {
- if (this.paused) return;
- var l = this.canvas,
- i = l.width,
- j = l.height,
- q = 0,
- p = ((s - this.time) * a.interval) / 1e3,
- h = i / 2 + this.offsetX,
- g = j / 2 + this.offsetY,
- d = this.ctxt,
- b,
- f,
- c,
- o = -1,
- e = this.taglist,
- k = e.length,
- t = this.active && this.active.tag,
- m = "",
- u = this.frontSelect,
- r = this.centreFunc == x,
- n;
- if (((this.time = s), this.frozen && this.drawn))
- return this.Animate(i, j, p);
- (n = this.AnimateFixed()), d.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);
- for (c = 0; c < k; ++c) e[c].Calc(this.transform, this.fixedAlpha);
- if (
- ((e = ak(e, function (a, b) {
- return b.z - a.z;
- })),
- n && this.fixedAnim.active)
- )
- b = this.fixedAnim.tag.UpdateActive(d, h, g);
- else if (((this.active = null), this.CheckAudioIcon())) m = "pointer";
- else {
- for (c = 0; c < k; ++c)
- (f =
- this.mx >= 0 &&
- this.my >= 0 &&
- this.taglist[c].CheckActive(d, h, g)),
- f &&
- f.sc > q &&
- (!u || f.z <= 0) &&
- ((b = f), (o = c), (b.tag = this.taglist[c]), (q = f.sc));
- this.active = b;
- }
- this.txtOpt || (this.shadow && this.SetShadow(d)),
- d.clearRect(0, 0, i, j);
- for (c = 0; c < k; ++c) {
- if (!r && e[c].z <= 0) {
- try {
- this.centreFunc(d, i, j, h, g);
- } catch (a) {
- alert(a), (this.centreFunc = x);
- }
- r = !0;
- }
- (b && b.tag == e[c] && b.PreDraw(d, e[c], h, g)) || e[c].Draw(d, h, g),
- b && b.tag == e[c] && b.PostDraw(d);
- }
- this.freezeActive && b
- ? this.Freeze()
- : (this.UnFreeze(), (this.drawn = k == this.listLength)),
- this.fixedCallback &&
- (this.fixedCallback(this, this.fixedCallbackTag),
- (this.fixedCallback = null)),
- n || this.Animate(i, j, p),
- b &&
- (b.LastDraw(d),
- b.tag != t &&
- (this.currentAudio &&
- this.currentAudio != b.tag &&
- this.currentAudio.StopAudio(),
- b.tag.PlayAudio() && (this.currentAudio = b.tag)),
- (m = this.activeCursor)),
- (l.style.cursor = m),
- this.Tooltip(b, this.taglist[o]),
- this.audioIcon && this.ShowAudioIcon();
- }),
- (b.TooltipNone = function () {}),
- (b.TooltipNative = function (b, a) {
- b
- ? (this.canvas.title = a && a.title ? a.title : "")
- : (this.canvas.title = this.ctitle);
- }),
- (b.SetTTDiv = function (c, d) {
- var a = this,
- b = a.ttdiv.style;
- c != a.ttdiv.innerHTML && (b.display = "none"),
- (a.ttdiv.innerHTML = c),
- d && (d.title = a.ttdiv.innerHTML),
- b.display == "none" &&
- !a.tttimer &&
- (a.tttimer = setTimeout(function () {
- var c = X(a.canvas.id);
- (b.display = "block"),
- (b.left = c.x + a.mx + "px"),
- (b.top = c.y + a.my + 24 + "px"),
- (a.tttimer = null);
- }, a.tooltipDelay));
- }),
- (b.TooltipDiv = function (b, a) {
- b && a && a.title
- ? this.SetTTDiv(a.title, a)
- : !b && this.mx != -1 && this.my != -1 && this.ctitle.length
- ? this.SetTTDiv(this.ctitle)
- : (this.ttdiv.style.display = "none");
- }),
- (b.Transform = function (c, a, b) {
- if (a || b) {
- var d = o(a),
- e = l(a),
- f = o(b),
- g = l(b),
- h = new m([g, 0, f, 0, 1, 0, -f, 0, g]),
- i = new m([1, 0, 0, 0, e, -d, 0, d, e]);
- c.transform = c.transform.mul(h.mul(i));
- }
- }),
- (b.AnimateFixed = function () {
- var a, b, c, d, e;
- return (
- !!(this.fadeIn &&
- ((b = q() - this.startTime),
- b >= this.fadeIn
- ? ((this.fadeIn = 0), (this.fixedAlpha = 1))
- : (this.fixedAlpha = b / this.fadeIn)),
- this.fixedAnim) &&
- (this.fixedAnim.transform ||
- (this.fixedAnim.transform = this.transform),
- (a = this.fixedAnim),
- (b = q() - a.t0),
- (c = a.angle),
- d,
- (e = this.animTiming(a.t, b)),
- (this.transform = a.transform),
- b >= a.t
- ? ((this.fixedCallbackTag = a.tag),
- (this.fixedCallback = a.cb),
- (this.fixedAnim = this.yaw = this.pitch = 0))
- : (c *= e),
- (d = m.Rotation(c, a.axis)),
- (this.transform = this.transform.mul(d)),
- this.fixedAnim != 0)
- );
- }),
- (b.AnimatePosition = function (g, h, f) {
- var a = this,
- d = a.mx,
- e = a.my,
- b,
- c;
- !a.frozen && d >= 0 && e >= 0 && d < g && e < h
- ? ((b = a.maxSpeed),
- (c = a.reverse ? -1 : 1),
- a.lx || (a.yaw = ((d * 2 * b) / g - b) * c * f),
- a.ly || (a.pitch = ((e * 2 * b) / h - b) * -c * f),
- (a.initial = null))
- : a.initial ||
- (a.frozen && !a.freezeDecel ? (a.yaw = a.pitch = 0) : a.Decel(a)),
- this.Transform(a, a.pitch, a.yaw);
- }),
- (b.AnimateDrag = function (d, e, c) {
- var a = this,
- b = (100 * c * a.maxSpeed) / a.max_radius / a.zoom;
- a.dx || a.dy
- ? (a.lx || (a.yaw = (a.dx * b) / a.stretchX),
- a.ly || (a.pitch = (a.dy * -b) / a.stretchY),
- (a.dx = a.dy = 0),
- (a.initial = null))
- : a.initial || a.Decel(a),
- this.Transform(a, a.pitch, a.yaw);
- }),
- (b.Freeze = function () {
- this.frozen ||
- ((this.preFreeze = [this.yaw, this.pitch]),
- (this.frozen = 1),
- (this.drawn = 0));
- }),
- (b.UnFreeze = function () {
- this.frozen &&
- ((this.yaw = this.preFreeze[0]),
- (this.pitch = this.preFreeze[1]),
- (this.frozen = 0));
- }),
- (b.Decel = function (a) {
- var b = a.minSpeed,
- c = p(a.yaw),
- d = p(a.pitch);
- !a.lx && c > b && (a.yaw = c > a.z0 ? a.yaw * a.decel : 0),
- !a.ly && d > b && (a.pitch = d > a.z0 ? a.pitch * a.decel : 0);
- }),
- (b.Zoom = function (a) {
- (this.z2 = this.z1 * (1 / a)), (this.drawn = 0);
- }),
- (b.Clicked = function (b) {
- if (this.CheckAudioIcon()) {
- this.ToggleAudio();
- return;
- }
- var a = this.active;
- try {
- a &&
- a.tag &&
- (this.clickToFront === !1 || this.clickToFront === null
- ? a.tag.Clicked(b)
- : this.TagToFront(
- a.tag,
- this.clickToFront,
- function () {
- a.tag.Clicked(b);
- },
- !0,
- ));
- } catch (a) {}
- }),
- (b.Wheel = function (a) {
- var b = this.zoom + this.zoomStep * (a ? 1 : -1);
- (this.zoom = h(this.zoomMax, g(this.zoomMin, b))), this.Zoom(this.zoom);
- }),
- (b.BeginDrag = function (a) {
- (this.down = K(a, this.canvas)),
- (a.cancelBubble = !0),
- (a.returnValue = !1),
- a.preventDefault && a.preventDefault();
- }),
- (b.Drag = function (e, a) {
- if (this.dragControl && this.down) {
- var d = this.dragThreshold * this.dragThreshold,
- b = a.x - this.down.x,
- c = a.y - this.down.y;
- (this.dragging || b * b + c * c > d) &&
- ((this.dx = b), (this.dy = c), (this.dragging = 1), (this.down = a));
- }
- return this.dragging;
- }),
- (b.EndDrag = function () {
- var a = this.dragging;
- return (this.dragging = this.down = null), a;
- });
- function ah(a) {
- var b = a.targetTouches[0],
- c = a.targetTouches[1];
- return E(w(c.pageX - b.pageX, 2) + w(c.pageY - b.pageY, 2));
- }
- (b.BeginPinch = function (a) {
- (this.pinched = [ah(a), this.zoom]), a.preventDefault && a.preventDefault();
- }),
- (b.Pinch = function (d) {
- var b,
- c,
- a = this.pinched;
- if (!a) return;
- (c = ah(d)),
- (b = (a[1] * c) / a[0]),
- (this.zoom = h(this.zoomMax, g(this.zoomMin, b))),
- this.Zoom(this.zoom);
- }),
- (b.EndPinch = function (a) {
- this.pinched = null;
- }),
- (b.Pause = function () {
- this.paused = !0;
- }),
- (b.Resume = function () {
- this.paused = !1;
- }),
- (b.SetSpeed = function (a) {
- (this.initial = a),
- (this.yaw = a[0] * this.maxSpeed),
- (this.pitch = a[1] * this.maxSpeed);
- }),
- (b.FindTag = function (a) {
- if (!n(a)) return null;
- if ((n(a.index) && (a = a.index), !B(a))) return this.taglist[a];
- var c, d, b;
- n(a.id)
- ? ((c = "id"), (d = a.id))
- : n(a.text) && ((c = "innerText"), (d = a.text));
- for (b = 0; b < this.taglist.length; ++b)
- if (this.taglist[b].a[c] == d) return this.taglist[b];
- }),
- (b.RotateTag = function (a, h, i, j, f, g) {
- var b = a.Calc(this.transform, 1),
- c = new s(b.x, b.y, b.z),
- d = ay(i, h),
- e = c.angle(d),
- k = c.cross(d).unit();
- e == 0
- ? ((this.fixedCallbackTag = a), (this.fixedCallback = f))
- : (this.fixedAnim = {
- angle: -e,
- axis: k,
- t: j,
- t0: q(),
- cb: f,
- tag: a,
- active: g,
- });
- }),
- (b.TagToFront = function (a, b, c, d) {
- this.RotateTag(a, 0, 0, b, c, d);
- }),
- (b.Volume = function (a) {
- this.audioVolume = a * 1;
- }),
- (a.Start = function (b, c, d) {
- a.Delete(b), (a.tc[b] = new a(b, c, d));
- });
- function N(c, b) {
- a.tc[b] && a.tc[b][c]();
- }
- (a.Linear = function (a, b) {
- return b / a;
- }),
- (a.Smooth = function (a, b) {
- return 0.5 - l((b * Math.PI) / a) / 2;
- }),
- (a.Pause = function (a) {
- N("Pause", a);
- }),
- (a.Resume = function (a) {
- N("Resume", a);
- }),
- (a.Reload = function (a) {
- N("Load", a);
- }),
- (a.Update = function (a) {
- N("Update", a);
- }),
- (a.SetSpeed = function (c, b) {
- return (
- !!(B(b) && a.tc[c] && !isNaN(b[0]) && !isNaN(b[1])) &&
- (a.tc[c].SetSpeed(b), !0)
- );
- }),
- (a.TagToFront = function (c, b) {
- return !!B(b) && ((b.lat = b.lng = 0), a.RotateTag(c, b));
- }),
- (a.RotateTag = function (c, b) {
- if (B(b) && a.tc[c]) {
- isNaN(b.time) && (b.time = 500);
- var d = a.tc[c].FindTag(b);
- if (d)
- return (
- a.tc[c].RotateTag(d, b.lat, b.lng, b.time, b.callback, b.active), !0
- );
- }
- return !1;
- }),
- (a.Delete = function (b) {
- var d, e;
- if (j[b])
- if (((e = c.getElementById(b)), e))
- for (d = 0; d < j[b].length; ++d) am(j[b][d][0], j[b][d][1], e);
- delete j[b], delete a.tc[b];
- }),
- (a.tc = {}),
- (a.options = {
- z1: 2e4,
- z2: 2e4,
- z0: 2e-4,
- freezeActive: !1,
- freezeDecel: !1,
- activeCursor: "pointer",
- pulsateTo: 1,
- pulsateTime: 3,
- reverse: !1,
- depth: 0.5,
- maxSpeed: 0.05,
- minSpeed: 0,
- decel: 0.95,
- interval: 20,
- minBrightness: 0.1,
- maxBrightness: 1,
- outlineColour: "#ffff99",
- outlineThickness: 2,
- outlineOffset: 5,
- outlineMethod: "outline",
- outlineRadius: 0,
- textColour: "#ff99ff",
- textHeight: 15,
- textFont: "Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif",
- shadow: "#000",
- shadowBlur: 0,
- shadowOffset: [0, 0],
- initial: null,
- hideTags: !0,
- zoom: 1,
- weight: !1,
- weightMode: "size",
- weightFrom: null,
- weightSize: 1,
- weightSizeMin: null,
- weightSizeMax: null,
- weightGradient: { 0: "#f00", 0.33: "#ff0", 0.66: "#0f0", 1: "#00f" },
- txtOpt: !0,
- txtScale: 2,
- frontSelect: !1,
- wheelZoom: !0,
- zoomMin: 0.3,
- zoomMax: 3,
- zoomStep: 0.05,
- shape: "sphere",
- lock: null,
- tooltip: null,
- tooltipDelay: 300,
- tooltipClass: "tctooltip",
- radiusX: 1,
- radiusY: 1,
- radiusZ: 1,
- stretchX: 1,
- stretchY: 1,
- offsetX: 0,
- offsetY: 0,
- shuffleTags: !1,
- noSelect: !1,
- noMouse: !1,
- imageScale: 1,
- paused: !1,
- dragControl: !1,
- dragThreshold: 4,
- centreFunc: x,
- splitWidth: 0,
- animTiming: "Smooth",
- clickToFront: !1,
- fadeIn: 0,
- padding: 0,
- bgColour: null,
- bgRadius: 0,
- bgOutline: null,
- bgOutlineThickness: 0,
- outlineIncrease: 4,
- textAlign: "centre",
- textVAlign: "middle",
- imageMode: null,
- imagePosition: null,
- imagePadding: 2,
- imageAlign: "centre",
- imageVAlign: "middle",
- noTagsMessage: !0,
- centreImage: null,
- pinchZoom: !1,
- repeatTags: 0,
- minTags: 0,
- imageRadius: 0,
- scrollPause: !1,
- outlineDash: 0,
- outlineDashSpace: 0,
- outlineDashSpeed: 1,
- activeAudio: "",
- audioVolume: 1,
- audioIcon: 1,
- audioIconSize: 20,
- audioIconThickness: 2,
- audioIconDark: 0,
- altImage: 0,
- });
- for (r in a.options) a[r] = a.options[r];
- (window.TagCanvas = a),
- t(
- "load",
- function () {
- a.loaded = 1;
- },
- window,
- );
diff --git a/fe_calckey/frontend/client/src/components/MkTagCloud.vue b/fe_calckey/frontend/client/src/components/MkTagCloud.vue
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ae6751..0000000
--- a/fe_calckey/frontend/client/src/components/MkTagCloud.vue
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/fe_calckey/frontend/client/src/pages/admin/overview.vue b/fe_calckey/frontend/client/src/pages/admin/overview.vue
index 6fa43d2..e55b1c1 100644
--- a/fe_calckey/frontend/client/src/pages/admin/overview.vue
+++ b/fe_calckey/frontend/client/src/pages/admin/overview.vue
@@ -60,13 +60,7 @@