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// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
title = Firefox Send
siteSubtitle = Web 实验
siteFeedback = 反馈
uploadPageHeader = 私密、安全的文件分享
uploadPageExplainer = 通过一个安全、私密且已加密的链接发送文件,文件将在有效期后自动清除。
uploadPageLearnMore = 详细了解
uploadPageDropMessage = 拖放您的文件到此处以开始上传
uploadPageSizeMessage = 为保证运行稳定,建议文件大小不超过 1GB
uploadPageBrowseButton = 选择一个在您的计算机上的文件
uploadPageMultipleFilesAlert = 目前不支持上传多个文件或上传文件夹。
uploadPageBrowseButtonTitle = 上传文件
uploadingPageHeader = 正在上传您的文件
importingFile = 正在导入…
verifyingFile = 正在验证…
encryptingFile = 正在加密…
decryptingFile = 正在解密…
notifyUploadDone = 您的上传已完成。
uploadingPageMessage = 在文件上传后,您可以设定过期选项。
uploadingPageCancel = 取消上传
uploadCancelNotification = 您的上传已取消。
uploadingPageLargeFileMessage = 此文件较大,可能要花费一些时间。请稍候。
uploadingFileNotification = 上传完成后通知我。
uploadSuccessConfirmHeader = 准备好发送
.alt = 上传