const crypto = require('crypto'); const storage = require('../storage'); const config = require('../config'); const mozlog = require('../log'); const Limiter = require('../limiter'); const wsStream = require('websocket-stream/stream'); const fxa = require('../fxa'); const { statUploadEvent } = require('../amplitude'); const { encryptedSize } = require('../../app/utils'); const { Duplex } = require('stream'); const log = mozlog('send.upload'); module.exports = function(ws, req) { let fileStream; ws.on('close', e => { if (e !== 1000 && fileStream !== undefined) { fileStream.destroy(); } }); ws.once('message', async function(message) { try { const newId = crypto.randomBytes(8).toString('hex'); const owner = crypto.randomBytes(10).toString('hex'); const fileInfo = JSON.parse(message); const timeLimit = fileInfo.timeLimit || config.default_expire_seconds; const dlimit = fileInfo.dlimit || 1; const metadata = fileInfo.fileMetadata; const auth = fileInfo.authorization; const user = await fxa.verify(fileInfo.bearer); const maxFileSize = user ? config.max_file_size : config.anon_max_file_size; const maxExpireSeconds = user ? config.max_expire_seconds : config.anon_max_expire_seconds; const maxDownloads = user ? config.max_downloads : config.anon_max_downloads; if ( !metadata || !auth || timeLimit <= 0 || timeLimit > maxExpireSeconds || dlimit > maxDownloads ) { ws.send( JSON.stringify({ error: 400 }) ); return ws.close(); } const meta = { owner, metadata, dlimit, auth: auth.split(' ')[1], nonce: crypto.randomBytes(16).toString('base64') }; const protocol = config.env === 'production' ? 'https' : req.protocol; const url = `${protocol}://${req.get('host')}/download/${newId}/`; ws.send( JSON.stringify({ url, ownerToken: meta.owner, id: newId }) ); const limiter = new Limiter(encryptedSize(maxFileSize)); const flowControl = new Duplex({ read() { ws.resume(); }, write(chunk, encoding, callback) { if (chunk.length === 1 && chunk[0] === 0) { this.push(null); } else { if (!this.push(chunk)) { ws.pause(); } } callback(); } }); fileStream = wsStream(ws, { binary: true }) .pipe(flowControl) .pipe(limiter); // limiter needs to be the last in the chain await storage.set(newId, fileStream, meta, timeLimit); if (ws.readyState === 1) { // if the socket is closed by a cancelled upload the stream // ends without an error so we need to check the state // before sending a reply. // TODO: we should handle cancelled uploads differently // in order to avoid having to check socket state and clean // up storage, possibly with an exception that we can catch. ws.send(JSON.stringify({ ok: true })); statUploadEvent({ id: newId, ip: req.ip, owner, dlimit, timeLimit, anonymous: !user, size: limiter.length, agent: ||, 6) }); } } catch (e) { log.error('upload', e); if (ws.readyState === 1) { ws.send( JSON.stringify({ error: e === 'limit' ? 413 : 500 }) ); ws.close(); } } }); };