diff --git a/public/locales/sk/send.ftl b/public/locales/sk/send.ftl index 288cfcef..fe2c44dc 100644 --- a/public/locales/sk/send.ftl +++ b/public/locales/sk/send.ftl @@ -105,8 +105,6 @@ requirePasswordCheckbox = Pri preberaní súboru vyžadovať heslo addPasswordButton = Pridať heslo changePasswordButton = Zmeniť passwordTryAgain = Nesprávne heslo. Skúste to znova. -# This label is followed by the password needed to download a file -passwordResult = Heslo: { $password } reportIPInfringement = Nahlásiť porušenie práv duševného vlastníctva javascriptRequired = Firefox Send vyžaduje JavaScript whyJavascript = Prečo Firefox Send vyžaduje JavaScript? @@ -117,3 +115,7 @@ expiresHoursMinutes = { $hours } hod. { $minutes } min. expiresMinutes = { $minutes } min. # A short status message shown when a password is successfully set passwordIsSet = Heslo bolo nastavené +# A short status message shown when the user enters a long password +maxPasswordLength = Maximálna dĺžka hesla: { $length } +# A short status message shown when there was an error setting the password +passwordSetError = Heslo nešlo nastaviť