Pontoon: Update Sundanese (su) localization of Firefox Send

Localization authors:
- yusup.ramdani <yusup.ramdani@wikimedia.or.id>
This commit is contained in:
yusup.ramdani 2019-05-23 11:52:14 +00:00 committed by Mozilla Pontoon
parent bd42445a98
commit 57e9fbcd26
1 changed files with 48 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -63,3 +63,51 @@ timespanDays =
[one] sapoé
*[other] { $num } poé
timespanWeeks =
{ $num ->
[one] saminggu
*[other] { $num } minggu
fileCount =
{ $num ->
[one] sakoropak
*[other] { $num } koropak
# byte abbreviation
bytes = B
# kibibyte abbreviation
kb = KB
# mebibyte abbreviation
mb = MB
# gibibyte abbreviation
gb = GB
# localized number and byte abbreviation. example "2.5MB"
fileSize = { $num }{ $units }
# $size is the size of the file, displayed using the fileSize message as format (e.g. "2.5MB")
totalSize = Ukuran total: { $size }
# the next line after the colon contains a file name
copyLinkDescription = Tiron tutumbu pikeun babagi koropak anjeun:
copyLinkButton = Tiron tutumbu
downloadTitle = Undeur koropak
downloadDescription = Ieu koropak geus dibagikeun liwat { -send-brand } kalawan énkripsi tungtung-ka-tungtung sarta tutumbuna otomatis kadaluwarsa.
trySendDescription = Pecakan { -send-brand } pikeun simpelna, babagi koropak aman.
# count will always be > 10
tooManyFiles =
{ $count ->
[one] Ayeuna kur sakoropak nu bisa diunjal.
*[other] Ngan { $count } koropak nu bisa diunjal sakaligus.
# count will always be > 10
tooManyArchives =
{ $count ->
[one] Ngan saarsip nu diidinan.
*[other] Ngan { $count } arsip nu diidinan.
expiredTitle = Ieu tutumbu geus kadaluwarsa.
notSupportedDescription = { -send-brand } moal jalan di ieu panyungsi. { -send-short-brand } jalan naker dina { -firefox } vérsi pamganyarna, sarta bakal jalan di loba panyungsi vérsi kiwari.
downloadFirefox = Undeur { -firefox }
legalDateStamp = Versi 1.0, kaping 12 Maret 2019
# A short representation of a countdown timer containing the number of days, hours, and minutes remaining as digits, example "2d 11h 56m"
expiresDaysHoursMinutes = { $days }p { $hours }j { $minutes }m
addFilesButton = Pilih koropak unjalkeuneun
uploadButton = Unjal