diff --git a/public/locales/cak/send.ftl b/public/locales/cak/send.ftl index 1442d53c..3cc9ca5e 100644 --- a/public/locales/cak/send.ftl +++ b/public/locales/cak/send.ftl @@ -39,3 +39,30 @@ downloadMessage = Jun awachib'il xutäq jun yakb'äl chawe rik'in ri Firefox Sen // Text and title used on the download link/button (indicates an action). downloadButtonLabel = Tiqasäx downloadNotification = Xtz'aqät ri aqasanik. +downloadFinish = Xtz'aqät qasanïk +// This message is displayed when uploading or downloading a file, e.g. "(1,3 MB of 10 MB)". +fileSizeProgress = ({ $partialSize } richin { $totalSize }) +// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized. +sendYourFilesLink = Titojtob'ëx Firefox Send +downloadingPageProgress = Tajin niqasäx { $filename } ({ $size }) +downloadingPageMessage = Tijaq kan re ruwi' re' richin niqaqasaj ri yakb'äl chuqa' richin niqetamaj rusik'ixik. +errorAltText = Xsach toq nijotob'äx +errorPageHeader = ¡K'o ri man ütz ta xub'än! +errorPageMessage = Xk'ulwachitäj jun sachoj toq tajin nijotob'äx ri yakb'äl. +errorPageLink = Titaq jun chik yakb'äl +fileTooBig = Yalan nïm re yakb'äl re' richin nijotob'äx. K'o ta chi man nik'o ta chi re ri { $size }. +linkExpiredAlt = Xk'is ruq'ijul ri ximonel +expiredPageHeader = ¡Xk'is ruq'ijul re ximonel re' o rik'in jub'a' majub'ey xk'oje'! +notSupportedHeader = Man koch'el ta ri awokik'amaya'l. +// Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized. +notSupportedDetail = K'ayew ruma re okik'amaya'l re' man nuköch' ta ajk'amaya'l na'ob'äl nik'atzin chi re ri Firefox Send. K'o chi natojtob'ej jun chik okik'amaya'l. ¡Niqachilab'ej chawe ri Firefox! +notSupportedLink = ¿Achike ruma man nikoch' taq ri wokik'amaya'l? +notSupportedOutdatedDetail = K'ayew ruma re ruwäch Firefox re' man nuköch' ta ri ajk'amaya'l na'ob'äl nrajo' ri Firefox Send. Rajowaxik nak'ëx ri awokik'amaya'l. +updateFirefox = Tik'ex ri Firefox +downloadFirefoxButtonSub = Sipan Ruqasaxik +uploadedFile = Yakb'äl +copyFileList = Tiwachib'ëx URL +// expiryFileList is used as a column header +expiryFileList = Nik'is Ruq'ijul Pa +deleteFileList = Tiyuj +nevermindButton = Junam nub'än