From 35af2cf0a1c764e7b60f6bdf3134592deac0d2e6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Michael Wolf Date: Wed, 13 Mar 2019 10:31:20 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] Pontoon: Update Sorbian, Lower (dsb) localization of Firefox Send Localization authors: - Michael Wolf --- public/locales/dsb/send.ftl | 94 ++++++------------------------------- 1 file changed, 15 insertions(+), 79 deletions(-) diff --git a/public/locales/dsb/send.ftl b/public/locales/dsb/send.ftl index 5365112d..a0ff35de 100644 --- a/public/locales/dsb/send.ftl +++ b/public/locales/dsb/send.ftl @@ -1,31 +1,9 @@ # Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized. title = Firefox Send -siteSubtitle = webeksperiment siteFeedback = Komentar -uploadPageHeader = Priwatne, skoděrowane źělenje datajow -uploadPageExplainer = Pósćelśo dataje pśez wěsty, priwatny a skoděrowany wótkaz, kótaryž awtomatiski spadnjo, až njeby waše daty na pśecej online wóstawali. -uploadPageLearnMore = Dalšne informacije -uploadPageDropMessage = Śěgniśo swóju dataju sem, aby ju nagrał -uploadPageSizeMessage = Wužywajśo nejlěpje dataje, kótarež su mjeńše ako 1 GB za lěpšu spušćobnosć. -uploadPageBrowseButton = Wubjeŕśo dataju na swójom licadle -uploadPageBrowseButton1 = Wubjeŕśo dataju za nagraśe -uploadPageMultipleFilesAlert = Nagrawanje někotarych datajow abo zarědnika se tuchylu njepódpěra. -uploadPageBrowseButtonTitle = Dataju nagraś -uploadingPageProgress = { $filename } ({ $size }) se nagrawa importingFile = Importěrujo se... -verifyingFile = Pśespytujo se... encryptingFile = Koděrujo se... decryptingFile = Dešifrěrujo se... -notifyUploadDone = Wašo nagraśe jo dokóńcone. -uploadingPageMessage = Gaž se waša dataja nagrawa, móžośo nastajenja spadnjenja póstajiś. -uploadingPageCancel = Nagraśe pśetergnus -uploadCancelNotification = Wašo nagraśe jo se pśetergnuło. -uploadingPageLargeFileMessage = Toś ta dataja jo wjelika a nagrawanje mógło chylku traś. Buźćo sćerpliwy! -uploadingFileNotification = K wěsći daś, gaž nagraśe jo dokóńcone. -uploadSuccessConfirmHeader = Gótowy za słanje -uploadSvgAlt = Nagraś -uploadSuccessTimingHeader = Wótkaz k wašej dataji pó 1 ześěgnjenju abo 24 góźinach spadnjo. -expireInfo = Wótkaz k wašej dataji pó { $downloadCount } abo { $timespan } spadnjo. downloadCount = { $num -> [one] 1 ześěgnjenje @@ -40,76 +18,26 @@ timespanHours = [few] { $num } góźiny *[other] { $num } góźin } -copyUrlFormLabelWithName = Kopěrujśo a źělśo wótkaz, aby swóju dataju pósłał: { $filename } -copyUrlFormButton = Do mjazywótkłada kopěrowaś copiedUrl = Kopěrowany! -deleteFileButton = Dataju wulašowaś -sendAnotherFileLink = Drugu dataju pósłaś -# Alternative text used on the download link/button (indicates an action). -downloadAltText = Ześěgnuś -downloadsFileList = Ześěgnjenja -# Used as header in a column indicating the amount of time left before a -# download link expires (e.g. "10h 5m") -timeFileList = Cas -# Used as header in a column indicating the number of times a file has been -# downloaded -downloadFileName = { $filename } ześěgnuś -downloadFileSize = ({ $size }) -unlockInputLabel = Gronidło zapódaś unlockInputPlaceholder = Gronidło unlockButtonLabel = Wótwóriś -downloadFileTitle = Skoděrowanu dataju ześěgnuś -# Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized. -downloadMessage = Waš pśijaśel wam dataju z Firefox Send sćelo, słužba, kótaraž wam zmóžnja, dataje pśez wěsty, priwatny a skoděrowany wótkaz źěliś, kótaryž awtomatiski spadnjo, až njeby waše daty na pśecej online wóstawali. -# Text and title used on the download link/button (indicates an action). downloadButtonLabel = Ześěgnuś -downloadNotification = Wašo ześěgnjenje jo dokóńcone. downloadFinish = Ześěgnjenje dokóńcone -# This message is displayed when uploading or downloading a file, e.g. "(1,3 MB of 10 MB)". fileSizeProgress = ({ $partialSize } z { $totalSize }) -# Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized. sendYourFilesLink = Firefox Send wopytaś -downloadingPageProgress = { $filename } ({ $size }) se ześěgujo -downloadingPageMessage = Pšosym wóstajśo toś ten rejtark wócynjony, mjaztym až wašu dataju ześěgujomy a dešifrěrujomy. -errorAltText = Nagrawańska zmólka errorPageHeader = Něco njejo se raźiło! -errorPageMessage = Pśi nagrawanju dataje jo zmólka nastała. -errorPageLink = Drugu dataju pósłaś fileTooBig = Toś ta dataja jo pśewjelika za nagraśe. Měła mjeńša ako { $size } byś. linkExpiredAlt = Wótkaz spadnjony -expiredPageHeader = Toś ten wótkaz jo spadnjony abo njejo nigda eksistěrował! notSupportedHeader = Waš wobglědowak se njepódpěra. -# Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized. -notSupportedDetail = Bóžko toś ten wobglědowak webtechnologiju njepódpěra, na kótarejž Firefox Send bazěrujo. Musyśo drugi wobglědowak wužywaś. My Firefox dopórucujomy! notSupportedLink = Cogodla se mój wobglědowak njepódpěra? notSupportedOutdatedDetail = Bóžko toś ta wersija Firefox webtechnologiju njepódpěra, na kótarejž Firefox Send bazěrujo. Musyśo swój wobglědowak aktualizěrowaś. updateFirefox = Firefox aktualizěrowaś -downloadFirefoxButtonSub = Dermotne ześěgnjenje -uploadedFile = Dataja -copyFileList = URL kopěrowaś -# expiryFileList is used as a column header -expiryFileList = Spadnjo za -deleteFileList = Wulašowaś -nevermindButton = Wšojadno -legalHeader = Wuměnjenja a priwatnosć -legalNoticeTestPilot = Firefox jo tuchylu eksperiment Test Pilot, a pódlažy wužywańskim wuměnjenjam a pokazce priwatnosći Test Pilot. Wěcej wó toś tom eksperimenśe a daty, kótarež gromaźi, how zgónijośo. -legalNoticeMozilla = Teke wužywanje websedła Firefox Send pokazce priwatnosći za websedła a wužywańskim wuměnjenjam za websedła Mozilla pódlažy. -deletePopupText = Toś tu dataju lašowaś? -deletePopupYes = Jo deletePopupCancel = Pśetergnuś deleteButtonHover = Wulašowaś -copyUrlHover = URL kopěrowaś footerLinkLegal = Pšawniske -# Test Pilot is a proper name and should not be localized. -footerLinkAbout = Wó Test Pilot footerLinkPrivacy = Priwatnosć -footerLinkTerms = Wuměnjenja footerLinkCookies = Cookieje -requirePasswordCheckbox = Gronidło za ześěgnjenje toś teje dataje pominaś -addPasswordButton = Gronidło pśidaś -changePasswordButton = Změniś passwordTryAgain = Wopacne gronidło. Wopytajśo hyšći raz. -reportIPInfringement = Pśekśiwjenje IP k wěsći daś javascriptRequired = Firefox Send JavaScript trjeba whyJavascript = Cogodla Firefox Send JavaScript trjeba? enableJavascript = Pšosym zmóžniśo JavaScript a wopytajśo hyšći raz. @@ -117,14 +45,12 @@ enableJavascript = Pšosym zmóžniśo JavaScript a wopytajśo hyšći raz. expiresHoursMinutes = { $hours } góź. { $minutes } min. # A short representation of a countdown timer containing the number of minutes remaining as digits, example "56m" expiresMinutes = { $minutes } min. -# A short status message shown when a password is successfully set -passwordIsSet = Gronidło jo se nastajiło # A short status message shown when the user enters a long password maxPasswordLength = Maksimalna dłujkosć gronidła: { $length } # A short status message shown when there was an error setting the password passwordSetError = Toś to gronidło njedajo se nastajiś -## New strings for the vNext version of Firefox Send +## Send version 2 strings # Firefox Send, Send, Firefox, Mozilla are proper names and should not be localized -send-brand = Firefox Send @@ -164,7 +90,17 @@ fileCount = [few] { $num } dataje *[other] { $num } datajow } -# size is a localized number followed by a unit of bytes, ex. 2.5GB +# byte abbreviation +bytes = B +# kibibyte abbreviation +kb = KB +# mebibyte abbreviation +mb = MB +# gibibyte abbreviation +gb = GB +# localized number and byte abbreviation. example "2.5MB" +fileSize = { $num }{ $units } +# $size is the size of the file, displayed using the fileSize message as format (e.g. "2.5MB") totalSize = Cełkowna wjelikosć: { $size } # the next line after the colon contains a file name copyLinkDescription = Kopěrujśo wótkaz, aby swóju dataju źělił: @@ -200,15 +136,15 @@ uploadButton = Nagraś # the first part of the string 'Drag and drop files or click to send up to 1GB' dragAndDropFiles = Śěgniśo a wótpołožćo dataje # the second part of the string 'Drag and drop files or click to send up to 1GB' -# size is a localized number followed by a unit of bytes, ex. 2.5GB +# $size is the size of the file, displayed using the fileSize message as format (e.g. "2.5MB") orClickWithSize = abo klikniśo, aby do { $size } pósłał addPassword = Z gronidłom šćitaś emailPlaceholder = Zapódajśo swóju e-mailowu adresu -# size is a localized number followed by a unit of bytes, ex. 2.5GB +# $size is the size of the file, displayed using the fileSize message as format (e.g. "2.5MB") signInSizeBump = Pśizjawśo se, aby do { $size } pósłał signInButton = Pśizjawiś/Registrěrowaś accountBenefitTitle = Załožćo konto { -firefox } abo pśizjawśo se -# size is a localized number followed by a unit of bytes, ex. 2.5GB +# $size is the size of the file, displayed using the fileSize message as format (e.g. "2.5MB") accountBenefitLargeFiles = Dataje do { $size } źěliś accountBenefitDownloadCount = Dataje z wěcej luźimi źěliś accountBenefitTimeLimit =