export class nsfwDetection1655368940105 {
	name = "nsfwDetection1655368940105";

	async up(queryRunner) {
		await queryRunner.query(
			`ALTER TABLE "drive_file" ADD "forceIsSensitive" boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false`,
		await queryRunner.query(
			`ALTER TABLE "drive_file" ADD "predictedIsSensitive" boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false`,
		await queryRunner.query(
			`COMMENT ON COLUMN "drive_file"."predictedIsSensitive" IS 'Whether the DriveFile is NSFW. (predict)'`,
		await queryRunner.query(
			`CREATE TYPE "public"."meta_sensitiveimagedetection_enum" AS ENUM('none', 'all', 'local', 'remote')`,
		await queryRunner.query(
			`ALTER TABLE "meta" ADD "sensitiveImageDetection" "public"."meta_sensitiveimagedetection_enum" NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none'`,
		await queryRunner.query(
			`ALTER TABLE "meta" ADD "forceIsSensitiveWhenPredicted" boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT true`,
		await queryRunner.query(
			`CREATE INDEX "IDX_fc2d74a6d7d8b11292a851d8f8" ON "drive_file" ("predictedIsSensitive") `,

	async down(queryRunner) {
		await queryRunner.query(
			`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_fc2d74a6d7d8b11292a851d8f8"`,
		await queryRunner.query(
			`ALTER TABLE "meta" DROP COLUMN "forceIsSensitiveWhenPredicted"`,
		await queryRunner.query(
			`ALTER TABLE "meta" DROP COLUMN "sensitiveImageDetection"`,
		await queryRunner.query(
			`DROP TYPE "public"."meta_sensitiveimagedetection_enum"`,
		await queryRunner.query(
			`COMMENT ON COLUMN "drive_file"."predictedIsSensitive" IS 'Whether the DriveFile is NSFW. (predict)'`,
		await queryRunner.query(
			`ALTER TABLE "drive_file" DROP COLUMN "predictedIsSensitive"`,
		await queryRunner.query(
			`ALTER TABLE "drive_file" DROP COLUMN "forceIsSensitive"`,