/** * Misskey Core Entory Point! */ Error.stackTraceLimit = Infinity; /** * Module dependencies */ import * as fs from 'fs'; import * as os from 'os'; import * as cluster from 'cluster'; const prominence = require('prominence'); import { log } from './utils/logger'; import * as chalk from 'chalk'; const git = require('git-last-commit'); const portUsed = require('tcp-port-used'); import ProgressBar from './utils/cli/progressbar'; import initdb from './db/mongodb'; import checkDependencies from './utils/check-dependencies'; // Init babel require('babel-core/register'); require('babel-polyfill'); const env = process.env.NODE_ENV; const IS_PRODUCTION = env === 'production'; const IS_DEBUG = !IS_PRODUCTION; global.config = require('./config').default(`${__dirname}/../.config/config.yml`); /** * Initialize state */ enum State { success, warn, failed } // Set process title process.title = 'Misskey'; // Start app main(); /** * Init proccess */ function main(): void { // Master if (cluster.isMaster) { master(); } else { // Workers worker(); } } /** * Init master proccess */ async function master(): Promise { let state: State; try { // initialize app state = await init(); } catch (e) { console.error(e); process.exit(1); } const res = (t: string, c: string) => console.log(chalk.bold(`--> ${(chalk as any)[c](t)}\n`)); switch (state) { case State.failed: res('Fatal error occurred :(', 'red'); process.exit(); return; case State.warn: res('Some problem(s) :|', 'yellow'); break; case State.success: res('OK :)', 'green'); break; } // Spawn workers spawn(() => { console.log(chalk.bold.green(`\nMisskey Core is now running. [port:${config.port}]`)); // Listen new workers cluster.on('fork', worker => { console.log(`Process forked: [${worker.id}]`); }); // Listen online workers cluster.on('online', worker => { console.log(`Process is now online: [${worker.id}]`); }); // Listen for dying workers cluster.on('exit', worker => { // Replace the dead worker, // we're not sentimental console.log(chalk.red(`[${worker.id}] died :(`)); cluster.fork(); }); }); } /** * Init worker proccess */ function worker(): void { // Register config global.config = config; // Init mongo initdb().then(db => { global.db = db; // start server require('./server'); }, err => { console.error(err); process.exit(0); }); } /** * Init app */ async function init(): Promise { console.log('Welcome to Misskey!\n'); console.log(chalk.bold('Misskey Core ')); let warn = false; // Get commit info try { const commit = await prominence(git).getLastCommit(); console.log(`commit: ${commit.shortHash} ${commit.author.name} <${commit.author.email}>`); console.log(` ${new Date(parseInt(commit.committedOn, 10) * 1000)}`); } catch (e) { // noop } console.log('\nInitializing...\n'); if (IS_DEBUG) { log('Warn', 'It is not in the Production mode. Do not use in the Production environment.'); } log('Info', `environment: ${env}`); // Get machine info const totalmem = (os.totalmem() / 1024 / 1024 / 1024).toFixed(1); const freemem = (os.freemem() / 1024 / 1024 / 1024).toFixed(1); log('Info', `MACHINE: ${os.hostname()}`); log('Info', `MACHINE: CPU: ${os.cpus().length}core`); log('Info', `MACHINE: MEM: ${totalmem}GB (available: ${freemem}GB)`); if (!fs.existsSync(`${__dirname}/../.config/config.yml`)) { log('Error', 'Configuration not found'); return State.failed; } log('Info', 'Success to load configuration'); log('Info', `maintainer: ${config.maintainer}`); checkDependencies(); // Check if a port is being used if (await portUsed.check(config.port)) { log('Error', `Port: ${config.port} is already used!`); return State.failed; } // Try to connect to MongoDB try { const db = await initdb(config); log('Info', 'Success to connect to MongoDB'); db.close(); } catch (e) { log('Error', `MongoDB: ${e}`); return State.failed; } return warn ? State.warn : State.success; } /** * Spawn workers */ function spawn(callback: any): void { // Count the machine's CPUs const cpuCount = os.cpus().length; const progress = new ProgressBar(cpuCount, 'Starting workers'); // Create a worker for each CPU for (let i = 0; i < cpuCount; i++) { const worker = cluster.fork(); worker.on('message', message => { if (message === 'ready') { progress.increment(); } }); } // On all workers started progress.on('complete', () => { callback(); }); } // Dying away... process.on('exit', () => { console.log('Bye.'); });