return {{ "mbbill/undotree", name = "undotree", lazy = false, }, { "lewis6991/satellite.nvim", name = "satellite", lazy = false, config = function() require("satellite").setup { current_only = false, winblend = 50, zindex = 40, excluded_filetypes = {}, width = 2, handlers = { cursor = { enable = true, overlap = true, -- Supports any number of symbols symbols = { '⎺', '⎻', '⎼', '⎽' } -- symbols = { '⎻', '⎼' } -- Highlights: -- - SatelliteCursor (default links to NonText }, search = { enable = true, -- Highlights: -- - SatelliteSearch (default links to Search) -- - SatelliteSearchCurrent (default links to SearchCurrent) }, diagnostic = { enable = true, signs = {'-', '=', '≡'}, min_severity = vim.diagnostic.severity.HINT, -- Highlights: -- - SatelliteDiagnosticError (default links to DiaSatelliteEnablegnosticError) -- - SatelliteDiagnosticWarn (default links to DiagnosticWarn) -- - SatelliteDiagnosticInfo (default links to DiagnosticInfo) -- - SatelliteDiagnosticHint (default links to DiagnosticHint) }, gitsigns = { enable = true, signs = { -- can only be a single character (multibyte is okay) add = "│", change = "│", delete = "-", }, -- Highlights: -- SatelliteGitSignsAdd (default links to GitSignsAdd) -- SatelliteGitSignsChange (default links to GitSignsChange) -- SatelliteGitSignsDelete (default links to GitSignsDelete) }, marks = { enable = true, show_builtins = false, -- shows the builtin marks like [ ] < > key = 'm' -- Highlights: -- SatelliteMark (default links to Normal) }, quickfix = { signs = { '-', '=', '≡' }, -- Highlights: -- SatelliteQuickfix (default links to WarningMsg) } }, } end, }, { "catppuccin/nvim", name = "catppuccin", config = function() require("catppuccin").setup { flavour = "mocha", -- Colors adapted from -- Catppuccin colors: -- Catppuccin Neovim config: color_overrides = { mocha = { text = "#BBBBBB", base = "#282c34", crust = "#21252b", mauve = "#D55FDE", blue = "#61AFEF", teal = "#2BBAC5", red = "#EF596F", green = "#89CA78", peach = "#D19A66", yellow = "#E5C07B", sapphire = "#009191", maroon = "#f9c89a" } }, integrations = { cmp = true, neotree = true, mason = true, }, custom_highlights = function(C) -- :Telescope highlights for a general list -- Rust-analyzer tokens: -- @lsp.mod.* for modifiers -- @lsp.modtype.* for types with modifiers -- @lsp.type.* for token types return { Error = { fg =, italic = true, underline = true }, ["@lsp.type.interface"] = { fg = C.yellow }, ["@function.builtin"] = { fg = }, ["@lsp.typemod.method.builtIn"] = { fg = }, ["@lsp.mod.mutable"] = { underline = true }, ["@lsp.mod.consuming"] = { bold = true }, ["@lsp.type.lifetime"] = { fg = C.teal }, ["@variable.builtin"] = { fg = C.mauve }, ["StorageClass"] = { fg = C.mauve }, ["@constructor.lua"] = { fg = C.overlay2 }, ["@preproc"] = { fg = C.maroon }, ["@debug"] = { fg = C.maroon }, ["@field"] = { fg = }, ["@property"] = { fg = }, ["@lsp.type.formatSpecifier"] = { fg = C.teal }, ["@lsp.type.escapeSequence"] = { fg = C.teal }, PreProc = { fg = C.maroon }, Special = { fg = C.teal }, ["@namespace"] = { fg = C.overlay2 }, ["@define"] = { fg = C.maroon }, ["@string.escape"] = { fg = C.teal }, Operator = { fg = C.text }, CmpItemKindSnippet = { fg = C.base, bg = }, CmpItemKindKeyword = { fg = C.base, bg = C.mauve }, CmpItemKindText = { fg = C.base, bg = C.teal }, CmpItemKindMethod = { fg = C.base, bg = }, CmpItemKindConstructor = { fg = C.base, bg = }, CmpItemKindFunction = { fg = C.base, bg = }, CmpItemKindFolder = { fg = C.base, bg = }, CmpItemKindModule = { fg = C.base, bg = }, CmpItemKindConstant = { fg = C.base, bg = C.peach }, CmpItemKindField = { fg = C.base, bg = }, CmpItemKindProperty = { fg = C.base, bg = }, CmpItemKindEnum = { fg = C.base, bg = C.peach }, CmpItemKindUnit = { fg = C.base, bg = C.peach }, CmpItemKindClass = { fg = C.base, bg = C.yellow }, CmpItemKindVariable = { fg = C.base, bg = C.flamingo }, CmpItemKindFile = { fg = C.base, bg = }, CmpItemKindInterface = { fg = C.base, bg = C.yellow }, CmpItemKindColor = { fg = C.base, bg = }, CmpItemKindReference = { fg = C.base, bg = }, CmpItemKindEnumMember = { fg = C.base, bg = }, CmpItemKindStruct = { fg = C.base, bg = }, CmpItemKindValue = { fg = C.base, bg = C.peach }, CmpItemKindEvent = { fg = C.base, bg = }, CmpItemKindOperator = { fg = C.base, bg = }, CmpItemKindTypeParameter = { fg = C.base, bg = }, CmpItemKindCopilot = { fg = C.base, bg = C.teal }, } end, } end, }, { "hrsh7th/nvim-cmp", -- override the options table that is used in the `require("cmp").setup()` call opts = function(_, opts) -- opts parameter is the default options table -- the function is lazy loaded so cmp is able to be required local lspkind = require("lspkind") local cmp = require("cmp") -- Completion sources opts.sources = cmp.config.sources({ { name = "crates", priority = 1250 }, { name = "nvim_lsp", priority = 1000 }, { name = "luasnip", priority = 750 }, { name = "buffer", priority = 500 }, { name = "path", priority = 250 }, }) -- Custom comparator to sort LSP text and snippets last local types = require("cmp.types") local function compareLspKind(entry1, entry2) local kind1 = entry1:get_kind() --- @type lsp.CompletionItemKind | number local kind2 = entry2:get_kind() --- @type lsp.CompletionItemKind | number kind1 = kind1 == types.lsp.CompletionItemKind.Text and 100 or kind1 kind2 = kind2 == types.lsp.CompletionItemKind.Text and 100 or kind2 kind1 = kind1 == types.lsp.CompletionItemKind.Snippet and 90 or kind1 kind2 = kind2 == types.lsp.CompletionItemKind.Snippet and 90 or kind2 if kind1 ~= kind2 then local diff = kind1 - kind2 if diff < 0 then return true elseif diff > 0 then return false end end return nil end -- Custom comparators for sorting of options local compare = require('') opts.sorting = { priority_weight = 2, comparators = { compare.offset, compare.exact, compare.score, compare.recently_used, compareLspKind, compare.sort_text, compare.length, compare.order, }, } -- Make the cmp prompt pretty -- How to customize: -- From: opts.formatting = { fields = { "kind", "abbr", "menu" }, format = function(entry, vim_item) local kind = lspkind.cmp_format({ mode = "symbol_text", maxwidth = 50, })(entry, vim_item) local strings = vim.split(kind.kind, "%s", { trimempty = true }) kind.kind = " " .. strings[1] .. " " = " (" .. strings[2] .. ")" return kind end, } -- Use PageUp and PageDown to navigate through completions local luasnip = require("luasnip") opts.mapping[""] = cmp.mapping(function(fallback) if cmp.visible() then cmp.select_next_item({ count = 5 }) elseif luasnip.jumpable(5) then luasnip.jump(5) else fallback() end end, { "i", "s" }) opts.mapping[""] = cmp.mapping(function(fallback) if cmp.visible() then cmp.select_prev_item({ count = 5 }) elseif luasnip.jumpable(-5) then luasnip.jump(-5) else fallback() end end, { "i", "s" }) -- return the new table to be used return opts end, }, { "lewis6991/hover.nvim", name = "hover", config = function() require("hover").setup { init = function() -- Require providers require("hover.providers.lsp") -- require('') -- require('hover.providers.gh_user') -- require('hover.providers.jira') -- require('') -- require('hover.providers.dictionary') end, preview_opts = { border = 'single' }, -- Whether the contents of a currently open hover window should be moved -- to a :h preview-window when pressing the hover keymap. preview_window = false, title = true, mouse_providers = { 'LSP' }, mouse_delay = 1000 } end }, { "ggandor/leap.nvim", name = "leap", lazy = false, config = function() local leap = require('leap') leap.setup { highlight_unlabeled_phase_one_targets = true } leap.create_default_mappings() -- Magic trick from -- to highlight already matched parts local function highlight_unlabeled_phase_one_targets(targets, first_idx, last_idx) local hl = require('leap.highlight') for i = first_idx or 1, last_idx or #targets do local target = targets[i] if target.chars then local bufnr = target.wininfo.bufnr local id = vim.api.nvim_buf_set_extmark( bufnr, hl.ns, target.pos[1] - 1, target.pos[2] - 1, { virt_text = { { table.concat(target.chars), "LeapMatch" } }, virt_text_pos = "overlay", hl_mode = "combine", priority = hl.priority.label, } ) -- This way Leap automatically cleans up your stuff together with its own. table.insert(hl.extmarks, { bufnr, id }) end end -- Continue with Leap's native function body. return true end leap.opts.on_beacons = highlight_unlabeled_phase_one_targets end }, { "rebelot/heirline.nvim", opts = function(_, opts) -- Config override from: local status = require("astronvim.utils.status") opts.statusline = { -- statusline hl = { fg = "fg", bg = "bg" }, status.component.mode { mode_text = { padding = { left = 1, right = 1 } } }, -- add the mode text status.component.git_branch(), status.component.file_info { filetype = {}, filename = false, file_modified = false }, status.component.git_diff(), status.component.diagnostics(), status.component.fill(), status.component.cmd_info(), status.component.fill(), status.component.lsp(), status.component.treesitter(), status.component.nav(), -- remove the 2nd mode indicator on the right } -- return the final configuration table return opts end, }, { "onsails/lspkind.nvim", opts = function(_, opts) -- use codicons preset opts.preset = "codicons" -- set some missing symbol types opts.symbol_map = { Array = "", Boolean = "", Key = "", Namespace = "", Null = "", Number = "", Object = "", Package = "", String = "", } return opts end, }}