local config = { updater = { remote = "origin", channel = "stable", version = "latest", branch = "nightly", commit = nil, pin_plugins = nil, skip_prompts = false, show_changelog = true, auto_quit = false, remotes = {} }, icons = { ActiveLSP = "", ActiveTS = "󰊟", ArrowLeft = "", ArrowRight = "", BufferClose = "󰅖", DapBreakpoint = "", DapBreakpointCondition = "", DapBreakpointRejected = "", DapLogPoint = ".>", DapStopped = "󰁕", DefaultFile = "", Diagnostic = "", DiagnosticError = "", DiagnosticHint = "", DiagnosticInfo = "", DiagnosticWarn = "", Ellipsis = "…", FileModified = "", FileReadOnly = "", FoldClosed = "", FoldOpened = "", FoldSeparator = " ", FolderClosed = "", FolderEmpty = "", FolderOpen = "", Git = "", GitAdd = "", GitBranch = "", GitChange = "", GitConflict = "", GitDelete = "", GitIgnored = "", GitRenamed = "", GitStaged = "", GitUnstaged = "", GitUntracked = "", LSPLoaded = "", LSPLoading1 = "", LSPLoading2 = "󰀚", LSPLoading3 = "", MacroRecording = "", Paste = "󰅌", Spellcheck = "󰓆", Search = "", Selected = "", TabClose = "", }, colorscheme = "catppuccin", heirline = { separators = { left = { "", " " }, -- separator for the left side of the statusline right = { " ", " " }, -- separator for the right side of the statusline tab = { "", "" }, }, colors = { tabline_bg = "#181825", tabline_fg = "#181825", buffer_bg = "#21252b" } }, polish = function() end } return config